Tue Feb 04, 2025 1:43 am
You may be better off trying one of the gaming capture devices. We were successful with the Acasis VC-003. Use the 4:2:2 setting, the other is crap.
BM is strictly adhering to broadcast formats.
What exactly do you mean by tearing? Can you post a screenshot?

- VC-003_formats.png (34.65 KiB) Viewed 267 times
My disaster protection: export a .drp file to a physically separated storage regularly.
Studio 19.1.3
MacOS 13.7.4, 2017 iMac, 32 GB, Radeon Pro 580 + eGPU
MacBook M1 Pro, 16 GPU cores, 32 GB RAM, MacOS 14.7.2