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eGPU Locks and Crashes Ubuntu Dell XPS 13

PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2021 8:11 pm
by I Miller

I'm looking for some troubleshooting advice. I'm trying to use my Dell XPS 13 9350 running Ubuntu 20.04 with an eGPU.

If I plug the eGPU in while the computer is already running it does not provide power, and the system becomes unresponsive and then fully locks up within 2-3 minutes. Disconnecting the eGPU does not solve the problem and a power cycle is required to bring the computer back to life.

If the eGPU is plugged in when the machine is powered on, then the white/amber charge indicator on the front of the computer alternates between amber and white. The computer will not power on until the eGPU has been disconnected.

Does anyone have any thoughts?
