Decklink 8k pro, is it going to work with my build?Pci lanes

Im a editer/ live stream producer, I know computers quite well but have never built one before. My plan was to build a live streaming/editing rig with multiple capture cards/network cards. I used a well compiled guide I found on reddit to create a video editing rig. I saw amount of pcie slots on the motherboard & thought I could just add in pcie captures cards as I please....however I now realise this may not be possible due to PCIE lanes.
I have purchased all the parts: i9 12900k, 3070 RTX, z690 Gaming x DDR4 Motherboard, 64gb DDR4 ram, 1 ssd, 2x m.2 ssd & a Decklink 8k Capture card.
I have purchased an 8k Decklink pro with the intention of doing 1080p streaming with the occasional 4k source scaled up. When I will be live streaming I will not be using the m2's ssd or if I do they will only be recording a feed or two.
Will the 8k capture card bottleneck in this setup capturing saying 4x4k 25p cameras? Would I be better off getting a quad 2 would that run better?
I have heard I could run my graphics card in 8x but not really what that means. I understand that running stuff all together could cause a bottleneck but I am willing to move stuff around between say a "live setup" & an "edit" setup to make sure things work smoothly for each application.
Thanks any help can be appreciated.
Im a editer/ live stream producer, I know computers quite well but have never built one before. My plan was to build a live streaming/editing rig with multiple capture cards/network cards. I used a well compiled guide I found on reddit to create a video editing rig. I saw amount of pcie slots on the motherboard & thought I could just add in pcie captures cards as I please....however I now realise this may not be possible due to PCIE lanes.
I have purchased all the parts: i9 12900k, 3070 RTX, z690 Gaming x DDR4 Motherboard, 64gb DDR4 ram, 1 ssd, 2x m.2 ssd & a Decklink 8k Capture card.
I have purchased an 8k Decklink pro with the intention of doing 1080p streaming with the occasional 4k source scaled up. When I will be live streaming I will not be using the m2's ssd or if I do they will only be recording a feed or two.
Will the 8k capture card bottleneck in this setup capturing saying 4x4k 25p cameras? Would I be better off getting a quad 2 would that run better?
I have heard I could run my graphics card in 8x but not really what that means. I understand that running stuff all together could cause a bottleneck but I am willing to move stuff around between say a "live setup" & an "edit" setup to make sure things work smoothly for each application.
Thanks any help can be appreciated.