Thu Jul 11, 2024 11:05 am
Yes, it's something that comes up all the time with Fusion. Unlike the main timeline of other programs like after effects, the flow only begins with an image that you give it. So if an image start frame isn't until frame 10, then the image plane has nothing to pull until then and errors.
You can fix this by adding a transparent BG under your logo that starts at frame 0.
Resolve & Fusion Studio 19.0.1 Build 6
Windows 11
Intel 12900K @ 5.1GHz | 64GB RAM | RTX4090 | 2TB NVME System | 4TB NVME Scratch
MacOS 12.7.2
MacBook Pro 13,3 | 16GB | Radeon 460 4GB | 256GB System | 256GB Scratch