Improve Motion Graphics in Fusion

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Improve Motion Graphics in Fusion

PostSun May 26, 2024 10:56 pm

Here is a list of things I would like to see to improve 2D/3D Workflow when creating motion graphics/edits:

1. Add a fusion layout to the existing ones (Default/RightFlow/LeftFlow/MidFlow) called: MotionGraphics where the spline or keyframes are moved under the viewers and are synced to the timeline. (The nodes/ Inspector could then be on the right: nodes at the bottom, inspector at the top for example. Maybe you could make the inspectors stack to the side instead of down when pinning nodes in this mode. And the viewers and spline/timline would be on the left side).

2. Enable markers on the timeline in fusion. It’s a pain to always look in the spline panel for markers. Or do my first point, that would also fix it,bc spline has markers.

3. Better Motion Blur. Fusions motion blur is relatively slow and looks bad. If the motion blur in the non XF transform node could be used for everything that would be way better.

4. Option for multiple grids/golden ratio as a screen overlay.

5. Create Renderer3D/Prender/Srender automatically when trying to connect a 3D/Particle/Shapenode to normal nodes. This would save time and make it easier for beginners to learn the concept of renderers.

6.Automatically create an ImagePlane3D when connecting a 2D node to a Merge3D. For example a MediaIn/Background/FastNoisenode to a merge3d. Again saves time when creating a 3D Scene.

7. Follower option in the multimerge. This would elevate the concept of the multimerge and be really useful.

8.Please rework or add additional lens flares. Most of them are outdated and don’t look realistic.

9. Time stretcher should automatically add start and end frame, when being added in fusion. This would make so much sense. Why isn’t it already handled this way?

Finally I’d like to say I really like fusion and davinci, I hope my feedback was constructive enough.
Pls write down what is your top 1,2,3 for motion graphics and if you think fusion should push the development in this aspect.

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