I have some lovely proper triax studio cameras - Sony HSC-300Rs with decent B4 mount lenses, but these will only work up to 1080i or 1080PsF25 mode (or 720p50). In both 1080i50 and 1080p25 on the ATEMs, I get nasty aliased edges. Trialling with a Sony Ex3 (which also outputs 1080PsF25) and inserting an UpDownCross HD improves it somewhat. But i'm aware that other users have said they don't like the way the basic Blackmagic converters handle format conversion "in the Terranex style", albeit this was referring to interlaced source footage, rather than my "progressive encoded as interlaced".
Is there a way to get the ATEMs to handle the feed better for progressive broadcast? Or can anyone recommend a better encoder (without breaking the bank) to ramp it up to 50p for the ATEM? Are there more / better options on the rack mount teranex boxes, or do I need to be looking at coverters with a yellow or red paint job?
I'm not filming any exciting fast moving action, so am more interested in the resolution of 1080, than the benefits of high frame rates.
Cheers, Mat.