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PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 12:05 am
by murdawkmedia
Hello everyone! I was having this problem as well the last few days with my ATEM Mini Pro ISO. It worked fine with 2 sources and could record / stream with ISO. Or with all 4 inputs it could stream and only record the program (not ISO). Which would power cycle and stop everything after a few minutes. The streaming worked flawlessly if I didn't dable with that. I looked everywhere including this thread, tried a various mix and match of HDMI cables, nothing seemed to work. I even rolled back firmware to no avail, all the way back to some of the 2021 firmware and software. Nothing was working.

Then I called into support, luckily it's under warranty so I'm currently going back and forth for an RMA. Anyway - it came to me one thing that I did not try --- swapping out the power supply. I looked in my mess of power adaptors and cables - found one ever so slightly with more power input. TAH-DAH --- it worked, with everything plugged in. I could stream, I could ISO record, it's working as it should. I just finished a 3 hour record (with ISO) and stream test. NO ISSUES AT ALL.

So...I think the included power supply might not be enough to support a fully loaded board. Anyway - I hope this helps with some of the problems in this thread.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 6:11 pm
by Danor Gerald
Will look for the newest firmware here are the issues I am facing. ATEM Mini Pro ISO, recorded all of the takes on a 3 camera shoot using 2x BMPCC 6k Pros and one 6k. The DR file that was created can't be opened. Error says "The file can't be imported. The file appears to be corrupt and does not contain valid data."

The drive is formatted to Mac OS journaled. However I have another drive attached that is EX Fat and Davinci says that it shouldn't be used as a project database since it's EXFAT. So Davinci doesn't like EX FAT drives but ATEM does?

Is there any way to fix this "corrupted" DR project file? It will be critical to the workflow of this project that has a tight turnaround for post.


PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:13 pm
by FoxRunStudio
I did an all day audio recording project yesterday recording 4 streams. It was a number 5-10 minute takes. The project name Is "Light of Day". Went to edit the video and I a "Light of Day 2" folder and that's it. The only thing in it is the video I recorded yesterday with 4 iso streams. Everything else is missing. I'm trying to see what I might able to recover with Disk Drill 5, but it doesn't look good. Recording light turned red an was never flashing with each clip and no indication of any problem. LaCie Rugged USB-C with plenty of space and the original cable. Add one more to the "can we actually trust this product to work". I was monitoring the whole thing. Angles were changing when I switched cameras. I'd love to be able to recover this rather than have to tell the clients we didn't get any video while we were working on the audio recording. Obviously I can't charge them and I we've worked together before, but this leaves me wondering if I will be able to trust this product. It's not very practical to have to keep unplugging the drive after every take and check it.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 2:12 pm
by AskJoe.TV
I normally don't record all my tracks in ISO mode, but last night, I needed to record a New Years Eve event and since it was an ** important ** event, I wanted the flexibility to capture all the cameras at once... so I turned on ISO for the 1st time. I only needed about 15 minutes, just before and after midnight. When I hit the stop button... NOTHING. I tried it using the ATEM software... NOTHING.

I did a search for a way to stop it, and realized from these forums that once it happens, you have to power down, and I lost my recordings. There was about 5 minutes of footage and it did't cover the most critical part, midnight.

What troubles me most is that as I read these forums, the only things I've confirmed are:

1. I'm not alone. This seems to happen to many people.

2. Blackmagic doesn't seem to read or respond to these forums.

3. Some people say you just need faster drives such as NVMe, but it's not clear which ones are 100% reliable.

4. Some people say certain drives like the SanDisk Extreme or the Samsung T5 / T7 work. Some say it doesn't.

5. Some people say it will work as long as you format it using exFAT instead of Apple format. Some say it doesn't matter and will fail either way.

6. Some say the streaming quality setting plays a role... and that lowering the quality can help (I'm not happy with that option, but at least it's a potential fix).

7. The Mini Pro ISO doesn't seem to have this problem (most likely because there are fewer inputs).

8. Nobody mentions whether you can avoid this problem by using something like a HyperDeck Shuttle HD to record. I'm going to try that next. I use a Synology NAS with a 10GB connection, so if nothing else, it can record independently so it'll be a backup. I'll post my results after I try it.

9. ALWAYS HAVE A BACKUP WAY TO RECORD. Unfortunately some cameras like the Canon 90D can't record while sending clean HDMI, so I can't record everything. (Thankfully, I put some GoPros on top of 3 of my cameras.). My advice is to use the 2nd HDMI to route to something like an Atomos Ninja, which I own, but didn't turn on last night. It's not a full ISO, but at least you'll capture the Program as it was done live.

10. The bottom line is you can't rely on the ISO for recording via USB.

Since Blackmagic doesn't seem to have an answer... can anyone confirm what definitely works, including drive types, speeds, recording quality and other settings?


PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:29 pm
by softwalls
Today I believe some black magic happened to us. We also failed the show.
- recording was looking totally normally, there was neither anything flickering or glitching.
- When I hit stop nothing happened, but recording indicator on M/V stayed still red and TC stopped (at about 54 minutes of recording).
- after several minutes of waiting I had to eject my Samsung T5 "on the fly" and then, I checked the disc just to see that there were only 33 minutes of 54.
-Recording log starts with:
Code: Select all

...and suddenly ends up with:
Code: Select all

This is totally disastrous bug which affects entire job and the coolest thing about it is - you have no chance to notice that something's wrong until you open your disk.

I tried to test it out but I don't have time for this cause I now I have to refund all expenses for the failed show.
The situations look quite silly, I see the support responds nothing useful, so the only choice I see is not using Atem Extreme ISO at all.


PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2024 7:50 pm
by AskJoe.TV
They definitely need to fix this ASAP, but potential hardware failure is why people need a second backup of everything. That's why most pro camera gear have 2 memory card slots.

Ever since I had the problem, I've made it a point to have an alternate recording, so I record the second HDMI output to an Atomos, and I actually bought 2 Blackmagic Cinema Cameras, so they can be triggered to record camera originals on their respective SSDs.

I'm also making sure to hit record on my audio gear, which is something I stopped doing when I got the ATEM. Hopefully I won't need to use the audio backups, but I'm glad it forced me to buy the 2 Pocket Cinema Cameras (a 4K and a 6K G2), so those recordings aren't just a backup... I swap out the ISO recordings with the perfectly synced BRAW in DaVinci and now I'm outputting 4K again.


PostPosted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:04 am
by AskJoe.TV
I decided to double down and purchase TWO Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Cameras, a 4K and a 6K G2, then always hit the record in all cameras option, so the cameras will not only give me a backup, but I can swap them out in DaVinci Resolve for higher resolution originals.

However, my last two recordings were a mixed bag. The ISO DID record the entire time, but this time only ONE of the cameras, the 6K recorded to its local USB drive. The other had no new files.

I have a theory that since I was connected to that particular camera using Bluetooth+ to reconfigure my ISO and other settings just prior to shooting, that when I hit record, that the camera ignored the record command from the ATEM. Other than that, I see no reason for the 6K G2 to record and the 4K to do nothing.

The biggest problem for me was not knowing that the camera wasn’t recording. Unfortunately, since the HDMI was sent to the ATEM, there was no way to monitor whether the camera was recording. If there was no ATEM, the red light would mean record, but in this case, it was telling me which camera was live.

Another potential issue is the default option to end recording if there’s a dropped frame. Perhaps both the non ISO problem or the lack of a camera recording was due to a dropped frame effectively cancelling the rest of the recording.

If that’s the case, I would love to see a new option for how dropped frames are handled. If you are recording from an ATEM, which needs to sync with a potentially live event, the recording should continue with a black screen on the original ATEM copy, then for the in camera recordings, AND the DaVinci Timeline in the saved ISO Project, it should use the time code to start a new recording starting from that time code.

In other words, whenever a frame is dropped from an ATEM triggered recording, just END the original recording, then START a new one with the updated time code. In fact, I think that would be a great option for all in-camera recordings where there’s a dropped frame. I may still want to re-record something that had a dropped frame, but at least I’d have the option of using the two time coded parts in the camera recordings (one before the dropped frame, one after it).


PostPosted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:24 pm
by ThomasDW
Did anyone try downgrading the firmware?.
Can we downgrade, away from 8.6.1?

I have been using ATEM Mini Extreme ISO since a few years, and only had this problem since recently, on two devices.

Last job: completely new device, in my first recording same know problem (recording on 1TB Samsung T5 seems to be going, drive connection light is even still flashing, unable to stop, recording failed somewhere mid-way, files not broken but incomplete).


PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 10:22 am
by hibouprofan
I myself had to face this problem where the recording on SSD has getting erratic after an update of my Atem extreme.
For everything to work properly again, the firmware of each hardware you connect with your Atem -SSD included-, must be updated with its latest firmware. Make sure you do so and as soon as you will be up to date, everything should work like a charm again :-)
