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ATEM Mini ISO to LiveU Solo to YouTube LAGS!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2020 5:57 pm
by RandySmith358
Hi Everyone,

My first live production with the ISO was simple. Multi-camera sending output to a couple monitors outside a hockey rink for parents to watch via a 250 foot SDI cable. Looked great and everything worked.

I'm getting ready to do the same but this time I need to stream to YouTube. I'm using a LiveU Solo and I'm testing from my office where I have 30 Mbps upload via Ethernet and Wifi. On site I will be using the bonded USB Modems and WiFi.

While testing my settings, the issue I'm having is that whenever the ATEM ISO is connected to the LiveU Solo, the stream to YouTube is slow motion or laggy.

When I go direct from 1 camera to the LiveU Solo the video is good.

I've tried a variety of camera output settings ... 1080p30, 720p60 etc.
I've tried a variety of ATEM output settings ... 1080p30, 1080p60
I've tried a variety of LiveU LRT settings ... 1080p, 720p, 2400 Kbps, 4500 Kbps
I've tried a variety of YouTube stream key settings as well ...Generic Variable, 1080p, 720p

I've tried so many settings I'm now confused so I'm making a spreadsheet to key track LOL.

But it comes down to this, when I connect the ATEM ISO to the LiveU, I get a laggy stream with YouTube. When I connect the Camera directly to the LiveU the YouTube stream is good.

Camera good! ATEM mini ISO laggy!

I'm still rather new to both the ATEM and the LiveU so I'm hoping the BMD collective here in the forum can point out something simple I haven't considered.


Re: ATEM Mini ISO to LiveU Solo to YouTube LAGS!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 4:30 pm
by RandySmith358

Posting my solution in case others run into the same issue. Also, my ATEM is the ISO version, not the PRO, but that probably isn't a factor.

I did solve my issue but the folks at LiveU didn't seem to think it should have been an issue to begin with.

Originally ...
CAMERA >> ATEM Mini ISO >> LiveU Solo LRT >> YouTube = very LAGGY.
CAMERA >> LiveU Solo LRT >> YouTube = Works Great

Solution ...

Running the signal through the splitter performed some kind of voodoo. Perhaps its an HDMI version thing?


Re: ATEM Mini ISO to LiveU Solo to YouTube LAGS!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 12:47 pm
by Martin L
What brand and model of HDMI splitter do you use?
I haven't found any that works with the HDMI out from ATEM Mini Pro.

Re: ATEM Mini ISO to LiveU Solo to YouTube LAGS!

PostPosted: Mon Jun 07, 2021 9:16 pm
by bhwhumphries
I am experiencing similar issues when working with the ATEM mini extreme and LiveU Solo. I have reported the problem to LiveU and awaiting a response but wanted to post on here incase anyone can shed light on it.

The following configs show my issue...

Camera output 1080p50 --> HDMI --> LiveU receiving 1080p50 = streams fine

Camera output 720p50 --> HDMI --> LiveU receiving 720p50 = streams fine

Camera output 1080p50 --> HDMI --> ATEM sending 1080p50 --> LiveU receiving 1080p50 = streams fine

Camera output 1080p50 --> HDMI --> ATEM sending 1080p25 --> LiveU receiving 1080p25 = stream very poor with laggy / slow motion video and choppy audio


The idea of playing around with frame rate came about because on some jobs I've used BMD Micro converters to achieve long cable runs between cams and switcher, plus also between switcher and LiveU Solo, using the following config.

Camera output 1080p50 --> SDI --> 3G SDI to HDMI converter --> HDMI --> ATEM sending 1080p25 --> HDMI --> 3G HDMI to SDI converter --> SDI --> 3G SDI to HDMI converter --> HDMI --> LiveU receiving 1080p50 = stream fine

You'll notice (as I only just have!) that although I had the ATEM outputting 1080p25, the signal received by the LiveU was 1080p50, suggesting the micro converters are doing some reframing?

Although I seem to have found a solution, I cannot have any unreliability and need to understand this fully. Without 100% reliability in the ATEM, it will need to be returned / exchanged etc.

I will continue to test.

I would also like to know about audio. What audio bitrate does the ATEM send out?


Re: ATEM Mini ISO to LiveU Solo to YouTube LAGS!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:17 pm
by scottdavey
Just to confirm a cheap HDMI switcher off amazon fixes this issue, in between atem and liveu not sure how!
Would be nice if BM could sort it out though.

Re: ATEM Mini ISO to LiveU Solo to YouTube LAGS!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 3:25 pm
by Jim Simon
RandySmith358 wrote:On site I will be using WiFi.
I would expend great effort to change that. I will tell a client I have to have a wired connection with at least 20 Mb/s Upload, or I won't do the job.

(Because a bad stream makes me look bad.)

Re: ATEM Mini ISO to LiveU Solo to YouTube LAGS!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 22, 2021 6:25 pm
by Raphaël Jacquot
RandySmith358 wrote:Solution ...

sounds like the liveU HDMI input is in the doghouse

Re: ATEM Mini ISO to LiveU Solo to YouTube LAGS!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:41 am
by bhwhumphries
Why do you say Live U hdmi is the culprit?

I encountered the same problem again yesterday. 2 video sources feeding into ATEM mini extreme, hdmi output from ATEM connected directly to LiveU solo, any combination of resolution and frame rate resulted in choppy/laggy video and sound.

However, by simply introducing a decimator into the pathway between ATEM and Live U, it was fixed.

What is it about the ATEM output?!!!

So frustrated that I’m seriously considering upgrading to a different brand of switcher. The Rolands look good…