Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:12 am
Thanks Gary,
I understand the the view of BMD that define these products as P2P but let me make some hypotheses. I don't want to reverse engineering the communication of the studio camera and the converter but only understand a possible future capability of those devices. If you confirm that the communication is based on IP, I could suppose that the protocol/codec would rely on TICO specification like other BMD products (as instance Teranex Mini IP Video 12G), following the SMPTE RDD35 specification. I can also understand that the the firmware of those devices would be locked to work on a specific configuration (fixed IPs on the NICs, fixed multicast addresses, fixed UDP ports, etc.) that limit the usability of multiple couple of devices on the same network constraining the product to be P2P. But if this is true, there shouldn't be any limitation to use studio camera + converter on a dedicated network segment that contains only a couple of them (with enough network bandwidth available). As explained, I am constrained to my use case that requires a remote communication of cameras and control room and limits the applicability of P2P devices, this consequently exclude BMD products from my purchasing list (at the moment).
So, I would take this opportunity to ask you if BMD has planned to release in future a firmware for camera and converter with the relative configuration software to support the communication on a networking environment. I would support a lot this update that I think that could be done only at software level. This will open a very interesting video over IP scenario that BMD customers would enjoy a lot (I would be the first)! If not, could I gentle ask you where I can submit my "feature request" at commercial/development level at BMD? I also know some Italian broadcast companies that would be very interested on such feature (for Studio Camera 4K but also for URSA Broadcast G2).
Best regards,