List of features I gathered of the years

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Zizo Visuals

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List of features I gathered of the years

PostSat May 11, 2024 11:18 pm

I've been using Resolve Studio for years now and I think I made a nice list of things I'd like to see improved or added. Thought the official forum would be better than other online places.

1. In the Edit page when in Fullscreen pressing up/down arrows it doesn't jump to clips. It may jump once or twice but then it stops. In the Color page it works fine.

2. Alt+Click doesn't snap to the middle in Curves vs Curves like it does in regular Curves. I'd like to see it snap.

3. Ability to render Cache only within In/Out points would be nice.

4. Pressing Enter in any field in Fusion automatically enters the next field to type in.
Making it hard to hit Space to Play or use any other key. ESC does not get you out of typing. You have to click somewhere blank to stop typing.

5. Shotcuts Z and Alt+Shift+Z don't work in Fusion to Fit to viewer.

6. A way to Full Screen inside Fusion would be nice. Like Ctrl+F and Shift+F.

7. Tilt key "~" to maximize panels would be amazing! Like Shift+F does for the viewer in the Color page. But for any panel, especially the timeline in the Edit page. Having it maximize would be great.

8. Ability to see Markers inside Fusion would be nice.

9. In the Color page, middle click to copy a grade also copies the stabilization settings from the Edit page by default. You can change it by diving into the keyframes section in the Color page and choose colors only. I believe the default should not copy any stabilization settings.

10. I'd like to see the ability to move a group of Shapes in the Viewer in Fusion. Currently you can only move 1 element even if you have multiple nodes selected.

11. Ability to drag and drop nodes in Fusion from the Select Tool (Shift+Space). Currently you have to click the tool you want and then press the add button.

12. For 3D in Fusion, a Path field for the Camera node would be nice.

13. Ability to add/convert "Step In/Out" keyframes in the Edit Page. Instead of having 2 keyframes right next to each other for sudden automations.

14. While scrubbing with left click in the Timeline panel, I would like to be able to Temporary turn on Snapping by holding down Alt or even Shift. N is the shortcut but you can't type Alt as a shortcut. Even though it doesn't conflict with any other shortcut. N needs finger precision.

15. I'd say Fusion needs some revamp. The renderer is slow. There is accidentally hidden button in the Fusion page in the first few frames of the timeline. I would post a youtube link for it but it doesn't let me.

16. There are so many types of Noise patterns missing in Fusion.

17. I'd love to see more VFX and Motion Graphics tools.

18. An audio analyzer would be lovely. With frequency range. I'm thinking of Sound Keys from Red Giant. They have great tools.

19. Keyframes overall should be easier to work with throughout the software.

20. The ability to snap media to corners and middles of other Media and the Canvas in the viewer of the Edit page. This way you can place the media to the Edge of the canvas and not having any gaps or crops. In general better Aligning ways. Maybe even guides.

Jim Simon

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Re: List of features I gathered of the years

PostMon May 13, 2024 12:30 am

It would be better to post one idea per thread, with a brief description of the idea in the thread's title. This would keep the discussion on track and make it much easier for others to find the idea and add their vote. ;)
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Zizo Visuals

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Re: List of features I gathered of the years

PostMon May 13, 2024 3:58 pm

Yeah I get it. I still think if any of the devs get a glimpse of it they could see a few nice ones.
But from what I understand it's not like they don't have thinks to do. It's more like priorities and budget.
Plus some of them are not requests, they look more like negligence.

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