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Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

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Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostThu Jan 09, 2020 9:57 am


so what I want is basically some sort of master clip for text effects. For example, if I want to make a top ten video and I add like three text boxes for each of the 10 entries, and after adding all the text, I realize that I need to change the position of one text box and change the font of another one. Now, instead of changing those things for each of the 10 clips separately, I would like to have some master clip / shared node from the beginning for all the 10 clips, so that I only need to change the font and position once for it to have effect on all 10 clips at the same time.

Is something like this possible with Fusion / Resolve?

I know there are shared nodes for the Color page, but I haven't seen that for the Fusion nodes :-(
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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostMon Jan 13, 2020 1:19 am


As far as I know, unfortunately the features that fulfill your needs are not standard in Resolve or Fusion up to the current version.
I also had a project that required similar changes in the past, and I sought a way, but there was no good solution.
However, I solved it with a slightly brute force method using Fusion below, so I'm glad if it could help.

1. Create a node flow that assumes diversion and partial changes.
2. Save the flow as a macro, checking the export of parameters that may change later (in this case, Styled Text to replace with each entry, and its font and position will be required at a minimum).
3. Place the saved macro in the flow of Fusion comp and create instances of the macro as many as the number of entries.
4. Deinstance only the text of each instance. This allows you to change the text of each entry individually, plus all fonts and positions can be changed at the same time.
5. Connect the Saver node to each of the original macro and the created instance and render.

Then Fusion comp looks like this.
sample_Template_Top10Ranking.png (217.15 KiB) Viewed 6714 times

As long as you use the rendered clip on Resolve, if you want to change the font or position after editing, you can change it on the Fusion comp and overwrite by re-rendering to automatically update clips.

But in the end, I had to take such a tricky approach because I couldn't find a way to use an expression or connect to the font.
If you find any other smarter solution, please let me know.
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Pieter Van Houte

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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostMon Jan 13, 2020 6:34 am

GonshiRamushiyo wrote:As far as I know, unfortunately the features that fulfill your needs are not standard in Resolve or Fusion up to the current version.

They are, but it's not clear from the UI. When you right-click on the Font parameter, you see that you can assign an expression to it. However, the expression won't show.

So here's one way to work around that:

- First install the /for slash command from Reactor.
- Make a Text+ node that is your "master". For this example, we'll name it "Master".
- Make as many Text+ "child" nodes as you like that need to follow the master.
- Select the child nodes.
- Type the following in the Console:

Code: Select all
> /for selected set Font expression Master.Font

Done. :)

For position of text, go to the second (Layout) tab and you'll find what you need there, these paranmeters are able to (expression) connect as per usual.
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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostMon Jan 13, 2020 12:17 pm

Hi, Pieter-san

Thank you for your teaching.
However, I actually knew that method in another thread before, but it was not usable because there was a problem that the weight of the font could not be changed.
If there is a way to solve that, could you please tell me?

And this may have been limited to my case, but ideally, it would be perfect if there was a way to link font settings across different Fusion comp files or Fusion Compositions in Resolve.
Especially when working on Resolve, for example,
- Pasting only selected settings from the master Fusion Composition to multiple children on the timeline, like the attribute paste.
- Setting styles that can be applied uniformly to all clips as well as subtitle track styles
It will be nice if I could do the above, but do you know such a method?


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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostMon Jan 13, 2020 9:07 pm

Hello GonshiRamushiyo,

thanks for your reply. I have to admit that I'm pretty new to Davinci Resolve and did not know well about the Saver / Loader nodes. So if I understand correctly, your method exports all the separate versions to image files, and then I would need the Loader nodes to automatically and properly load the rendered image files back as a usable clip. Is this correct? Is there any way to 'skip' the Loader nodes (like with drap and drop) or are the Loader nodes the only way to use the exported image files again?

Also, I only have the normal free Davinci Resolve (that comes with some integrated Fusion version). Is it generally possible to have the Saver nodes export as video files or does it only export image files?

I will definitely try out this method. Thanks again.
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Pieter Van Houte

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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostMon Jan 13, 2020 9:31 pm

GonshiRamushiyo wrote:Hi, Pieter-san

Thank you for your teaching.
However, I actually knew that method in another thread before, but it was not usable because there was a problem that the weight of the font could not be changed.
If there is a way to solve that, could you please tell me?

Code: Select all
/for selected set Style expression Master.Style

And this may have been limited to my case, but ideally, it would be perfect if there was a way to link font settings across different Fusion comp files or Fusion Compositions in Resolve.
Especially when working on Resolve, for example,
- Pasting only selected settings from the master Fusion Composition to multiple children on the timeline, like the attribute paste.
- Setting styles that can be applied uniformly to all clips as well as subtitle track styles
It will be nice if I could do the above, but do you know such a method?

I don't know enough about Resolve yet to recommend a specific workflow unique to it, but one approach could be to create an external config file that gets referenced in the various comps.
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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostTue Jan 14, 2020 11:07 am

Having the same situation but instead of 10 it's 250 clips (it's an education series, and there're a lot of title cards). Having to change every single one is a tedious exercise and I pray it doesn't change again.

What would be nice is if there was a global expression feature that one could set on a project level, then gets picked up individually by each instance of the fusion composition, and reflects the change on individual attributes automatically. But as I understand it, the Fusion integration in Resolve is rather rudimentary, basically spawning a separate Fusion runtime for editing?

> one approach could be to create an external config file that gets referenced in the various comps.

Can you please provide some documentation on how to achieve this? Thanks.
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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostTue Jan 14, 2020 5:56 pm


I'm glad it might be helpful.
Let me explain in addition to answering your question.

First, you don't need to use the Loader node.
The important point is that you import image or video file output from Fusion into Resolve Media pool in the usual D&D way and treat it as the title material to be arranged on the timeline.
If you want to make any changes after that, you can do that on comp and re-output to overwrite the file that was output first, so that the file itself read into DR is updated. In other words, when the output of the changed file is completed, the title on the timeline will be updated automatically without any further action.
As a trial, please import a random file (for example, a file named A.jpg) to Resolve, and then rename another completely different image file with the same name and copy over. You can understand the principle, and moreover, this is effective not only for Resolve but also for most editing software.

Second, I think the Saver node of the Fusion page in Resolve can output only a limited kind of image file, and could not output movie file because maybe it has not been fully integrated yet.
However, depending on the timeline construction and the delivery page settings, it is not impossible with Resolve alone (please note that it may not be possible to overwrite the imported file unless the output source is different from the main project), or you can simply use the free version of Fusion 9.

I hope you succeed.


Thanks again, I will try the following next time.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me, what is an external config file? Is it different from Fusion comp file?
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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostSat Jan 18, 2020 10:47 am

Hi, darylteo-san

I'm also waiting for some information called "External Config File", but in the meantime I wrote the following as it might be useful for you.

Having the same situation but instead of 10 it's 250 clips (it's an education series, and there're a lot of title cards).

If your word means "250 still image titles that may change later in specific parameters only," I think there are several solutions.

When working with Resolve and decorating characters at a minimum, probably the easiest way is to use the Text effect (not Text+ with a lightning bolt icon) from the Effects Library in Edit page.
The main advantage of this effect is that you can apply font and position changes on Inspector panel in a batch with multiple selections.
If you need separate text elements on the screen (for example, when you want to apply different styles to chapter number, title, and detailed information respectively), you can add video tracks for each element.
Note that this effect cannot be edited directly on the Fusion page or made into a Fusion Clip. To apply a Fusion effect, you need to use a Compound Clip or via an Adjustment Clip, but the former does not allow you to make multiple selections for changing parameters, and the latter applies the effect uniformly to all the material placed below itself, so I think both are of limited use.

When you need some functions that cannot be achieved with above (more than 2 strokes in a text or Character Level Styling etc.), you may be able to use the method I posted first with the following arrangement.

+1. Change the length of Fusion Comp to the required number of frames (250 in this case), and change the start position of the render range from the default 0th frame to the 1st frame.
+2. Place the saved macro in the flow panel, then Animate each Styled Text and input a title manuscript for each frame.
+3. Use only one Saver node and set the save format to sequential image.

Then Fusion comp looks a little different from the previous one.
sample_Template_HugeNumberOfTitles.png (159.73 KiB) Viewed 6521 times

When rendering is finished, 250 still image titles will be created. Each rendered file name is automatically assigned a Comp frame number. The reason for arrangement of +1 is to make the starting number assigned from "001" for easier title management and modification.
After that, use them as title clips in Resolve and modify them appropriately in Fusion as in my previous post.

In the unlikely event that you mean "250 video title clips", the solution will vary depending on the style of the title.
If you want a simple animation like zooming in, you can set it on the Video tab of the Inspector panel for the still titles created with the above method, and apply it to multiple titles by using attribute copy & paste.
However, the more complex you need, the more difficult it will be.
In that case, I think it would be easier to gather solutions if you could publish an sample or image of the title.
How is it?


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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostTue Jan 28, 2020 3:24 am

Hi GoshiRamushiyo-san,


Here is an example. The only text element here is the smaller subtitle that slides in and disappears. The rest is a premade logo/animation that was supplied and I'm just overlaying the subtitle on top of it using a modified Fusion Title.

Hope that makes sense.
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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostThu Jan 30, 2020 7:38 pm

Hi, darylteo-san

Thank you for your presentation.
It's like 250 video clips, but it doesn't seem too complicated.
The only text element here is the smaller subtitle that slides in and disappears.

I think it would be enough to be able to mass-produce that at least because other elements can be configured on the timeline.

The easiest way is to fix the font first and never change it, then create a Text+ template and replace the manuscript, and if the position changes, adjust it on the Edit page.

However, if there is a reason why the font to be used cannot be determined, this method cannot cope with the batch change of fonts, so you have to give up and choose a different method.
Another way that I know is slightly more difficult, and it uses Fusion and a script.

The download link of the script on YouTube is already broken, but it seems to be archived here.

The tutorial is from the Fusion 6 era, but as far as I have tried, the script can be used with Fusion 9 by changing the extension to .lua, and it is possible to generate .comp files with each manuscript.
However, the rendering will stumble, so you need to modify the script or batch rendering with Fusion.

FYI, why I didn't take this approach is the localization of Fusion that has not yet reached a certain level and the inability of this script to use the manual kerning feature is very disadvantageous for my language.
(It might be possible by rewriting the script, but I didn't have the time and knowledge to do this.)
But I hope it can be useful in your project.


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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostSat Feb 01, 2020 9:03 am

Hi guys,
Here are some suggestions for you:

1. Instancing nodes (kind of shared node)
2. Branching + routers
3. Duplicate node (Dup)
4. Templates/macros

See the manual chapter 58 - Working in the Node Editor
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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostTue Aug 29, 2023 3:30 pm

Hi !

- Type the following in the Console:

I have installed the Reaktor /for slash command package, but I dont see where the command need to entered. I dont see it either in the script forum thread. Where is this input field for this command accessible ?
No english native speaker, I may have miss the info.

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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostWed Aug 30, 2023 2:53 pm

I got it,

it seems there is a bug which requires to first load Fusion panel before switching back to Edit.



Hmm not sure if I am doing something the right way, lots of bug here, maybe because french version?

Code: Select all
> /for selected set Style expression Master.Style
Template cannot get Parameter for Style at time 43
MediaOut1 cannot get Parameter for Entrée at time 43
MediaOut1 failed at time 43
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Re: Shared fusion text nodes / master text clip?

PostThu Aug 31, 2023 3:38 pm

X-Raym wrote:it seems there is a bug which requires to first load Fusion panel before switching back to Edit.

The "Slash For" SlashCommand operates on the level of the currently active Fusion comp. It was created back at Fusion Studio v9.0.2 before the Resolve Fusion page concept even existed. The current SlashFor script does not know about Edit page timelines or Media page bins.
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