Thu Jan 16, 2020 3:56 am
Something you might experiment with (with a copy of a project), export a drp of your current 24p project. Rename the created drp to ".zip" extention (a drp file is just a zip file). Open this "zipped" project in something like 7Zip. Drag the "project.xml" to your desktop. Open it with a text editor (something that displays xml files with some formatting is preferred). Change references of 24 fps to 25 fps. Save the file. Drag it back into the "zip" file and confirm to replace the file currently in the zip file. Rename the project file back to a ".drp" extension. Import this back into Resolve giving it a new name. The new project and timeline will be 25p.
I did this with a 29.97 project, changing and re-importing it as a 25p project. Because the clips were now playing slower, the whole timeline was a longer duration, but all elements had the correct timing (cuts where they should be, and text display timing of words being spoken), though audio was no longer in sync.
Going from a 24p project to a 25p one with the majority of your clips actually being 25p, you may get better results.
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