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Fusion "remembering" deleted nodes

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Fusion "remembering" deleted nodes

PostThu Oct 22, 2020 2:55 pm

So this is pretty frustrating/scary. So I was working on a single clip in fusion. Created a fusion comp, then hopped over to fusion. Did some initial planar tracking, created a planar transform etc. It wasn't working so well so I deleted all my nodes and started over. Then went on to rotoscope. spent 3 hours on it, then put particles on it. When I reloaded my project the next day, ALL of my roto work nodes were gone, all my color correction nodes were gone, and the original planar tracking nodes were back in. Oddly my footage was still using/showing the particle system, the roto work and color correction. But I couldn't access control over it because the nodes were gone, only the older planar transform nodes I deleted were in the node tree. Its very strange. any ideas on what happened here? should I have "reset composition?" before starting over instead of just deleting nodes? Thanks much

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