Intermittent Failure of YouTube Live Stream from Mini Pro

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Intermittent Failure of YouTube Live Stream from Mini Pro

PostSat Oct 24, 2020 12:53 pm

I'm working with the Atem Mini Pro (AMP) to stream church services direct to YouTube.
The AMP is connected to the church wired network (1GB), which in turn is connected to the Router.
We get about 60Mb/s upload so there should be no performance issues.

What I'm noticing is that when I hit "On Air" on the AMP the stream does not always start as intended.
Sometimes it's fine - other times there is no activity in the YouTube Studio.
The AMP shows a good healthy stream - no caching issues. It all looks perfect.
But at the YouTube end there is nothing.

It seems to happen about 50% of the time. If I go Off Air, then try again it will often work fine.
Testing At home, it seems to be more reliable - maybe 75% successful - but still not the 100% I would expect (or need!)

Right now it's just testing to an unlisted stream - but due to go live next week so could do with a solution to give us all confidence it will work every time.

Has anyone seen anything similar?
More important - can anyone suggest a solution?



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Re: Intermittent Failure of YouTube Live Stream from Mini Pr

PostMon Oct 26, 2020 12:44 am

We had been Live Streaming to youtube successfully for many months before Covid, then we had a number of issues. Our church runs 3 streams at the same time each Sunday.

Then things started changing.

We did not have this specific issue, but we left YouTube some months ago. In the past I have seen YouTube throwing errors but watching the router bandwidth I could find no issues and upon reviewing the recordings everything was fine. While the admin panel said our feed was poor there was never any evidence of this in the recording.

I have lost trust in YouTube ....

We switched to Vimeo and use their restream for Facebook, and YouTube. Both have some issues but after many discussions with Vimeo I am convinced YouTube is the issue not Vimeo. Currently we just restreaming to Facebook and then "pushing" the recording to YouTube after the Live Stream. So far this procedure is working well.

Circling back to your question, do you have the same issue trying to send a stream to other providers? Vimeo is money back within 30 days if you don't like it. Vimeo also supports recuring events making it much easier to dove tail links into your website.


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