dev_willis wrote:There are lots of ways it could work and none of them are complicated. Off the top of my head, it seems like the start of the earliest selected clip would be a logical edit point and then you just give the user the option to ripple or not. The existing track targeting features would probably cover the rest. No problem.
It doesn't sound complicated because you're over simplifying it. There's someone in this thread who stated that they want this feature for music videos so that they could effectively send video down the timeline while the remains static. Others might use it to replace on camera audio with external audio in a film edit which means the audio moves to static video. Some want to sync between up different cameras and audio sources like in a multi-cam set up which requires audio and video to ripple.
So saying that things should just ripple to the first clip sounds simple because you're only accounting or the way you would use it.
dev_willis wrote:I don't see any need to make assumptions about anything or value judgements about other people's methods. All we're talking about is moving clips in a timeline; it doesn't matter what the timeline does or does not represent.
Actually, yes it does. It absolutely does.
dev_willis wrote:And any feature can be used in a sloppy way. Are we going to remove all editing options because some people might be sloppy with them?
Have you seen how many topics on this forum are people asking for patchwork solutions to problems they got themself into do to sloppy use of features?
Have you seen any of my topics that are about cleaning up Resolve so that people don't have to use sloppy, error prone solutions to do simple things?
dev_willis wrote:And anyway, it seems like automation would help a sloppy editor be more neat vs doing the same thing manually.
We're not using sloppy in the same way. Also, when did this conversation become an automated sync vs manual sync discussion? Last I checked I was pushing for further refining the automated syncing that Resolve already has they can already fulfill 95% of the use cases of people in this topic.
dev_willis wrote:Ad hoc clip syncing in the timeline is the primary use case. Syncing in a bin is great but there are times when one simply needs to sync up a couple clips on the spot.
That doesn't require timeline-syncing. You can sync things in the bin on the spot as well.
It's not like syncing in the bin means that you need to select the ins and outs for the clips again and drag it back into the timeline. The sync relationship propagates as all clips on the timeline are instances that link back to that clip in the bin. That's actually one of it's benefits. It's very common that bits of one source clip are used throughout a timeline. Timeline syncing requires the audio to be synced per-clip-instance, bin syncing only requires syncing per-source-clip.
dev_willis wrote:"Syncing" is the process and "in the timeline" is where the process is being done. The point of the thread is the "where" part.
And my question is the "why" when Resolve already has bin-syncing which can be expanded upon and "what" is the advantage of implementing something that gets you to same place as bin-syncing but is slightly more complicated and more error-prone.
Keep in mind that automated-syncing of any kind is already more error-prone than manually syncing, it's just much much faster. Why someone would add unneeded variables to the situation is beyond me.
I established the "why nots", I'm still waiting on the "whys".
dev_willis wrote:I've never worked on a feature film but I don't see how it makes any difference. Syncing is syncing. But either way, no, Blackmagic wouldn't have to consider that.
Yes, "syncing is syncing" and there's already multiple methods of syncing built into Resolve and all are within the Media Pool. Those method of syncing currently suit film, interviews, and live event scenarios very well. I have heard people mention that "Auto Sync Audio" lacks the ability for two audio clips to sync to one video clip and I agree, that should be added but that's not an inherent restriction of syncing in a bin, the Sync-Bin even demonstrates that.
dev_willis wrote:If there is some situation where syncing in the timeline wouldn't work or wouldn't make sense then you simply don't use it in that situation.
You're missing the point. It's not that there's a lot of things that timeline syncing can't do. There's nothing that's stopping an NLE from providing options to Timeline syncing that allow someone to just drag all the contents of a bin to the timeline and have it sync audio to video and lay them out like a Selects timeline. The timeline essentially works like a bin in that situation. The issue is that it just needs to consider more variables since it's being done further downstream of the editing process.
I already mentioned some of those variables as they relate to the sync prompt, but what about syncing to a clip with time remapping? It's not impossible by any means, but having to take that into account does complicate things to some degree.
dev_willis wrote:There's no requirement that every feature be usable by every editor in every situation
No there isn't but can you even guarantee that your "simple" implementation would even appease all the people that upvoted this feature in this two page topic?
dev_willis wrote:Yeah. So what? In situations where syncing in the timeline would be useful a "soft sync" is all that's needed.
So what's the advantage of a soft sync? lol
dev_willis wrote:I don't think it would be as complicated as you're trying to make it sound and I'm not aware of anyone being worried about the page count in the reference manual PDF. I can't imagine that explaining it would take more than a paragraph anyway; certainly not "pages."
Have you read the manual?
This information-
Undo and Redo in DaVinci ResolveNo matter where you are in DaVinci Resolve, Undo and Redo commands let you back out of steps you’ve taken or commands you’ve executed, and reapply them if you change your mind. DaVinci Resolve is capable of undoing the entire history of things you’ve done since creating or opening a particular project. When you close a project, its entire undo history is purged. The next time you begin work on a project, its undo history starts anew.
Because DaVinci Resolve integrates so much functionality in one application, there are three separate sets of undo “stacks” to help you manage your work.
- The Media, Edit and Fairlight pages share the same multiple-undo stack, which lets you backtrack out of changes made in the Media Pool, the Timeline, the Metadata Editor, and the Viewers.
- Each clip in the Fusion page has its own undo stack, so that you can undo changes you make to the composition of each clip, independently.
- Each clip in the Color page has its own undo stack, so that you can undo changes you make to grades in each clip, independently.
- In all cases, there is no practical limit to the number of steps that are undoable (although there may be a limit to what you can remember). To take advantage of this, there are three ways you can undo work to go to a previous state of your project, no matter what page you’re in.
To simply undo or redo changes you’ve made one at a time:
- Choose Edit > Undo (Command-Z) to undo the previous change.
- Choose Edit > Redo (Shift-Command-Z) to redo to the next change.
- On the DaVinci control panel, press the UNDO and REDO buttons on the T-bar panel.
TIP: If you have the DaVinci control panel, there is one other control that lets you control the undo stack more directly when using the trackballs, rings, and pots. Pressing RESTORE POINT manually adds a memory of the current state of the grade to the undo stack. Since discrete undo states are difficult to predict when you’re making ongoing adjustments with the trackball and ring controls, pressing RESTORE POINT lets you set predictable states of the grade that you can fall back on.
You can also undo several steps at a time using the History submenu and window. At the time of this writing, this only works for multiple undo steps in the Media, Cut, Edit, and Fairlight pages.
To undo and redo using the History submenu:
- Open the Edit > History submenu, which shows (up to) the last twenty things you’ve done.
- Choose an item on the list to undo back to that point. The most recent thing you’ve done appears at the top of this list, and the change you’ve just made appears with a check next to it. Steps that have been undone but that can still be redone remain in this menu, so you can see what’s possible. However, if you’ve undone several changes at once and then you make a new change, you cannot undo any more and those steps disappear from the menu.
Once you’ve selected a step to undo to, the menu closes and the project updates to show you its current state.
To undo and redo using the Undo window:
- Choose Edit > History > Open History Window.
- When the History dialog appears, click an item on the list to undo back to that point. Unlike the menu, in this window the most recent thing you’ve done appears at the bottom of this list. Selecting a change here grays out changes that can still be redone, as the project updates to show you its current state.
- When you’re done, close the History window.
- takes up 13 pages. The quoted bit is actually just two pages but's repeated for the sections for each of Resolve's pages.
Many features in Resolve that are repeated between pages are cover separately for each page. The Media Pool, for example, is covered for each page. Now there's some small differences between the Media Pool in each page so it's not all redundant but sections like "Bins, Power Bins, and Smart Bins", "Showing Bins in Separate Windows ", "Filtering Bins Using Color Tags", are copied word-for-word three times in the manual.
Some features like Compound Clips are explained in 3.5 pages in the section for the Edit page and are brought up again for half a page as "Audio Compound clips" in the Fairlight section before pointing people back to the previous section.
To be fair, the manual contains all the information for syncing audio and video in Chapter 13: Syncing Audio to Video and it's explained in 5 pages. Adding timeline syncing would obviously add more on top of that, but considering there's three timelines pages where BMD can decide to implement it differently, who really knows.
Btw, if you're not familiar with what I meant when I mentioned "selects", it refers to when someone will go through clips for a project, picks the good takes, trims them down, and possibly syncs and color codes them on a timeline that would be called the Selects timeline. The intended use-case is to be used like a bin for another timeline.
What advantages does that process have compared to making sub-clips, placing them in a bin, color coding, and syncing them in the Media Pool? Only one. Having them in a timeline allows you to scrub through footage like a tape to find shots quickly.
Both Media Composer and Premiere Pro allow editors to open their Selects timeline in the Source Monitor, set ins and out points, and drag that into a new timeline as source clips. It's pretty clean way of supporting that workflow and since you're using it like a bin, viewing and selecting clips through the Source Viewer makes a lot of sense. After all, it was made to clip and move source media to the timeline.
Resolve actually has a better solution for it called the Source Tape view but BMD only allowed it to be used the Cut page for some reason. It's very simple. It's just a view for the Source Viewer that displays any bin as if it were a continuous tape. You can color code and sync them in timeline and place all the good takes in a bin. If you need to make several clips per-source clip, then just make sub-clips. It's a very small feature that manifests in the interface as just a small icon but has all the benefits of the aforementioned methods without having to create another timeline while still allowing you to navigate the bin as you normally would. It's a great example of solve a problem instead of treating its symptoms.
Premiere Pro didn't always support that functionality though. Instead Premiere Pro users used "pancake editing" or the practice of stacking two timelines on your screen: one for selects and one for the edit. To my understanding, that wasn't use case that Adobe thought of specifically, it just allowed sequence panels to moved around separately and that's just a way Premiere users decided to use it.
Is there any advantage to it over the previous two methods? No. It just uses more screen real-estate and creates another timeline. To my knowledge, Media Composer, Final Cut Pro X, Vegas, and Edius don't even support it because it's so inelegant.
So how did Resolve support using Selects before the Cut page and how does it currently support that workflow on the Edit page? Stacked timelines... otherwise known as pancake editing. Why support pancake editing when there were better ways to do it? Premiere Pro users who are stuck in their ways.
Why do I bring it up? Because that's basically this topic.