ATEM Mini Pro / Extreme for conferences with remote guests

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ATEM Mini Pro / Extreme for conferences with remote guests

PostMon Apr 19, 2021 1:07 pm


I'm looking for a solution for a special situation that maybe also others have already had. Unfortunately I have problems to find the ideal configuration to solve it and so I'm hoping if someone could give me some advise. At the moment I don't own a ATEM Mini Pro / Extreme and maybe someone with more experience could help me decide if the Mini Pro is enough:
  • We would like to stream "mixed" conferences where some persons are connected using a video conferencing tool and others directly come to the conference room where also the ATEM Mini should be positioned.
  • In the conference room we have a projector that should show the persons that are connected by internet and some presentations shown on an PC in the conference room.
  • Also in this conference room we would install a camcorder with HDMI out that would be attached to the ATEM Mini and one set of Rode Wireless Go 2 also attached to the ATEM.
  • Using the ATEM Mini we also have to stream the whole conference to Youtube using the Ethernet Port.

I have looked to a lot of websites and videos on Youtube to understand if there is a ideal solution to this problem, but I haven't been lucky...

The problems that I see are:
  • Persons in the video conference should see the image of the camcorder or the presentation of the PC. So it seems to me, that I need to connect a laptop to the ATEM as Input and then connect the ATEM also somehow again to the same laptop to act as a Webcam. Is that the correct way to go?
  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but to me it seams that the ATEM Mini USB-Out shows always the same image as shown in the stream. Therefore i think that I can't use the USB-Out as "Uplink" to the video conference, because in the Youtube stream there should also be visible the persons in the video conference. These people in this scenario would see them self if I would use the USB-Out - right?
  • If I'm right in the second point - should I use the HDMI Out of the ATEM Mini because this port can show a different image that the one shown in the stream? In this case I could switch HDMI-Out to the camcorder - use a HDMI-USB converter and give this image to the video conference?
  • Where should I attach the projector - to the HDMI Out of the ATEM Mini or using a Splitter attached at the laptop (connection 1 to ATEM and connection 2 to projector)?
  • Would the ATEM Mini Extreme with two USB-Out and HDMI-Out help to reduce the complexity of my installation?

Is there someone with the same necessaries and a valid solution to this situation?


Howard Roll

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Re: ATEM Mini Pro / Extreme for conferences with remote gues

PostMon Apr 19, 2021 5:34 pm

Which of the other two sources is the remote guest expected to see? The reframing of the shot or the changing of the deck? Perhaps a macro that sends the graphic "UR LIVE" in red.

A solution is to change the source on the remote/zoom upstream. Prior to selecting the remote guest on the AMP, select graphics instead of webcam on the remote/zoom. Properly implemented this is a tool to communicate tallies and timers with your remote guests as well, "Live", "2 minutes", "less boring", etc.,

To build on the idea further, if the messages are built against a bright background then that source becomes fill light for the remote subject. Let's take the idea too far, the screen backlight can be white balanced to the web camera by adjusting the RGB input values of the provided graphics.

Good Luck


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Re: ATEM Mini Pro / Extreme for conferences with remote gues

PostWed Apr 21, 2021 12:33 pm


thanks for your reply. The remote guests should see the camera / presentation in the conference room (see point 1 of my "problem list").
This is also one of the biggest problems to solve: people in the conference room and people connected over the internet should can talk to each other like in a normal meeting...


Howard Roll

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Re: ATEM Mini Pro / Extreme for conferences with remote gues

PostWed Apr 21, 2021 4:48 pm

Split the camera output, feed one end into a computer webcam adapter for zoom, the other into the AMP for the stream.

Good Luck


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Re: ATEM Mini Pro / Extreme for conferences with remote gues

PostWed Apr 21, 2021 5:30 pm

Splitting the HDMI output from the laptop works fine for me. The HDMI signal i routed to a projector, a monitor for the lecturer and as one of the four HDMI inputs on the ATEM mini pro. Usually used for PowerPoint presentations, but will also work with Teams, Skype etc.


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Re: ATEM Mini Pro / Extreme for conferences with remote gues

PostSun Apr 25, 2021 11:44 pm

You don't say which conferencing platform you want to use. Some let you stream to YouTube from the platform, e.g. Zoom.

So you could use a web cam on a laptop to view the conference room and connect to the conferencing service. Put the image of the conference onto the laptop external display output and connect that to the conference room display. Most conferencing software will let you display a presentation as well. (May need to split the local and external screen.)

If your comference software doesn't let you stream directly to Youtube you could install OBS on the laptop.

You will have noticed I havin't mentioned an ATEM at all so far. You could use it instead of the web cam built into the laptop. It wouldn't be streaming though. I suggest you see what you can do with just a laptop first.

If do decide to get an ATEM, then if your budget will go that far, I would suggest the extreme as it has two HDMI outputs. (Many people find one limiting for what they want to do once they get past a certain point.)


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