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Problem starting Fusion with two monitors.

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Problem starting Fusion with two monitors.

PostSat Jan 28, 2023 12:38 pm

Fusion startpage
Blackmagic-Fusion-Studio-startpage.png (13.11 KiB) Viewed 4558 times

Hi, I observed that FUSION Studio 18.1.2 starts on my machine only when I start the program on the main monitor 1.

I work with two monitors. My system has three graphics cards, one internal CPU graphics (I9 12900K, Intel Core i9 UHD Graphics 770) and two external NVIDIA P6000 24GB in SLI mode. Monitor 1 works with CPU graphics, Monitor 2 works with the main graphics card of the NVIDIA package. If I start FUSION and move my cursor to the second monitor during startup (e.g. because the mouse gets rusty), Fusion starts up to the main window, but then hangs and does not allow any more input. Fusion starts normally when the program is launched on Monitor 1 and the mouse cursor remains in Monitor 1.

The second effect is also interesting. After a successful launch of Fusion, if I move the program to the second monitor and run a render, want to do other work in the first monitor, Fusion crashes without error message.

Both errors are easily reproducible.

A third effect. Maybe it's all connected. I sometimes use the Node SphericalStabilizer to stabilize 8k videos. The graphics cards are used between 1-4% at the PreRender (Tracking process). The CPU is about 35% (The machine doesn't really do anything). In the IO, single-digit MB are read or written. The processing times with Fusion are very high and actually not justifiable in terms of costs. Am I doing something wrong or is it because of the software?

Fusion in action
Blackmagic-Fusion-Studio-in_action.png (91.44 KiB) Viewed 4558 times

In the graph it is interesting to see that when fusion is minimized into the taskbar, the performance core is turned off. When Fusion is displayed on the monitor in full image, apparently all cores are used. Program minimized, Fusion uses only the efficient cores, program maximized, efficient cores and performance core are used together. This effect can be verified at any time, as I have noticed.

It is particularly annoying that Fusion crashes after about 60 minutes of tracking without error message. This is annoying with a version of 18.x.

Is this normal or a mistake on my part?
8-12k VR production.
ASUS Maximus Z690 Formula, I9 12900K, DDR5 64GB/5200,
2xNVIDIA P6000 24GB, 84 TB Workspace


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Re: Problem starting FUSION with two monitors.

PostSat Jan 28, 2023 5:09 pm

It's probably because you are bridging graphics drivers. The program is having to switch between the Intel drivers and the Nvidia drivers. Fusion is heavily dependent in the GPU to do things like screen draws and display calculations. Making it jump between the two isn't going to work. Plug all your monitors into one of the 6000s. There is no reason to use the the built in graphics. Actually, this shows that the is a good reason to NOT use it.
Resolve & Fusion Studio 19.1
Windows 11
Intel 12900K @ 5.1GHz | 64GB RAM | RTX4090 | 2TB NVME System | 4TB NVME Scratch

MacOS 12.7.2
MacBook Pro 13,3 | 16GB | Radeon 460 4GB | 256GB System | 256GB Scratch


  • Posts: 97
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Re: Problem starting FUSION with two monitors.

PostWed Feb 01, 2023 6:20 pm

Hi Ben,
thank you very much for this tip. I'll try it.
8-12k VR production.
ASUS Maximus Z690 Formula, I9 12900K, DDR5 64GB/5200,
2xNVIDIA P6000 24GB, 84 TB Workspace


  • Posts: 97
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  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Real Name: Kay Golze

Re: Problem starting Fusion with two monitors.

PostWed Feb 01, 2023 7:21 pm

Hi Ben,
Ok, Intel is now turned off. Everything runs on NVIDIA. Now Fusion runs without any startup problems.

Fusion Studio Main Window
Blackmagic-Fusion-Studio-in_action4.png (106.26 KiB) Viewed 4279 times

But the effect that Fusion turns off the 16 main cores if you keep the main window minimized is still present and can be easily checked. You can see the gaps in the graphic. If Fusion is minimized, then part of the CPU will be switch off. If the main window of Fusion Studio is displayed again, the CPU cores turn on again. I have repeated this twice, hence two gaps.
Fusion switch off 16 of 24 CPU Cores
Blackmagic-Fusion-Studio-in_action3.png (91.09 KiB) Viewed 4279 times

Another problem has been around for a long time. The SphericalStabilization Node shovels up the RAM memory until the program crashes. System memory is written until it is full. For my system it's 530 GB. After a small clip has been processed, Fusion must be restarted because closing a card or file does not free memory. Here is the graph when 5 minutes are stabilized.
Fusion RAM allocation
Blackmagic-Fusion-Studio-memallocation.png (20.88 KiB) Viewed 4279 times
8-12k VR production.
ASUS Maximus Z690 Formula, I9 12900K, DDR5 64GB/5200,
2xNVIDIA P6000 24GB, 84 TB Workspace


  • Posts: 732
  • Joined: Mon May 13, 2019 10:38 pm
  • Location: Minneapolis, MN
  • Real Name: Ben Hall

Re: Problem starting Fusion with two monitors.

PostWed Feb 01, 2023 10:08 pm

That's out of my wheel house. See if you can reproduce the error in Resolve and submit it to the Resolve forums. The admins hang out over there. My guess is that there is a way for programs to access the newest Intel chipsets that hasn't been implemented in Blackmagic software yet. Some way for it to let processing continue while in the background. I'm sure Adobe and Autodesk are going through the same issues.
Resolve & Fusion Studio 19.1
Windows 11
Intel 12900K @ 5.1GHz | 64GB RAM | RTX4090 | 2TB NVME System | 4TB NVME Scratch

MacOS 12.7.2
MacBook Pro 13,3 | 16GB | Radeon 460 4GB | 256GB System | 256GB Scratch

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