Update on Camera Shipments

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 7:07 pm

Taikonaut wrote:The problem with BMD is they are treating customers poorly. The delay in itself warrant compensation if the manufacturer is serious about doing business.

BMD should be shipping out a free copy of Resolve 9 to everyone who pre-ordered the BMC as a goodwill gesture for the unnecessary delays they've been through and allow to keep the software even if they chose to cancel. This is the least they could do and can do it but they won't and I find it compound their attitude as uncaring.

Should people start boycotting BMD products from now on to teach them not to mess with their customers?

I don't agree with that at all. The "you owe us" attitude is not the way we should be at all. That might be one reasons they don't want to talk. I don't think the, gimme free stuff attitude is the way we should be either. I think all they owe is an explanation (and a camera) as to what is going on and we should demand that and hold them publicly accountable for their horrible business decisions. If you want, boycotting as a better way to go but honestly, most of our are already too invested in this process to go down that road.

Trust me, I have been more critical of BMD than most people and I can't wait to see Grant at the next NAB and have a little... chat with him about the money that he cost me because we planned our productions around the cameras that we ordered and were promised.

But, as a customer just saying give me free stuff because you don't know how to manufacture or properly communicate with your customers is not the right way to go either. In a perfect world, we would do the right thing and so would they.
Wayne Capps
Reserve Productions


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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 7:13 pm

Jason R. Johnston wrote:Until you hand over a signed warranty card and register the camera, NONE OF YOU are customers. Your grievances are with the resellers who duped you into preordering. They have your cash, not BMD. Again: you are customers of the gosh darn resellers.

Hard to believe there are still folks voicing that tired company line. I was directed to the BMD Website by BMD at the NAB announcement (where shipping in July was proudly exclaimed) to see a list of authorized resellers who would be happy to take my preorder for a BMC...made by BMD. I placed a deposit and later payment in full for the BMC...made by BMD...marketed by BMD. There's nothing confusing about that...BMD is in this preorder strategy to their elbows and no number of apologists will ever be able to change that.

OMT, in Texas when somebody tells you they'll post an update in "1 or 2 days" and they don't, we have a name for that. What do you call that in Australia?

Bill Rich

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 7:18 pm

James, Your statement is true..


BMD has provided this forum for the customer/user to ask questions etc.. and as a goodwill gesture has made promises to update us on the status of the camera..

So we are waiting for a promised status update
Bill Rich
Los Angeles, California

David form BMCUSER

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 7:31 pm

Jason R. Johnston wrote:Until you hand over a signed warranty card and register the camera, NONE OF YOU are customers. Your grievances are with the resellers who duped you into preordering. They have your cash, not BMD. Again: you are customers of the gosh darn resellers. BMD is trying to deliver a great product. The designer's law of three says "good, fast, cheap. Pick two." Let them give us a great product at a great price. They're having problems at great expense to themselves and until they have your cash in hand they owe you nothing. What would you rather have? A great working product in your hand that took a little longer to get to you, or a faulty rushed product you have to send back for repairs? Either way, you're out time and money. Let Blackmagic work.

While there is a lot of truth in this post right here, one also needs understanding of how good customer service is suppose to work regardless of whether or not a transaction of any sort has been made. Anyone who has worked in a properly organized operation, realizes that customer service is the bridge between sales and support plus in many cases it's front line PR. This is a very basic concept which most well run companies understand. Not only is it basic but it has been well instituted for a long time by many if not most successful large scale companies. The only time some companies require you to be a customer is when you need support which is different from customer service. As a service to customers BMD should have a better response for this situation. This holds true regardless of whether the product is sold by a retailer, direct, online, brick and mortar, etc. If the product has consumers as the end user, the manufacturer needs to have good customer service.


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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 7:33 pm

I disagree, we are customers of Blackmagic Design period! We are buying what they created, and we have made decisions based on what they have told us.


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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 7:35 pm

bottom line: With out us, BMD couldn't sell the camera to dealers. We are the reason they are both in business.


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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 7:38 pm

My reseller is just as clueless as we are. BMD is treating customers and resellers the same when it comes to promised information.

I can't help but wonder if BMD isn't intentionally withholding information in an effort to cull the ranks of preorders to a more manageable number in light of their inability to manufacture BMCs in volume.

...but I'm crazy and can't be trusted.

Darren Joy

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 7:43 pm

Jason R. Johnston wrote:Until you hand over a signed warranty card and register the camera, NONE OF YOU are customers. Your grievances are with the resellers who duped you into preordering. They have your cash, not BMD. Again: you are customers of the gosh darn resellers.

Sorry, but you are just arguing semantics. Fine, if you want semantics, there are resellers posting here too, so technically they are customers based on your terms. Now can we move on?

Our grievances are NOT with the resellers, since they have done nothing wrong and are just as in the dark as we are. Technically our money and legal contract is with the reseller, but those resellers have had to pony up that money to BMD with their orders, so our money is with BMD albeit indirectly. That's not the point, the point is that BMD will have accepted money for cameras, that should put an obligation upon them to at the very least offer an explanation when they consistently fail to deliver them.

Grievances are being focused where the problem (obtuse communication) is, which is with BMD, and aside from silly requests for (already) free stuff and compensation (which is never going to fly), all that's really being requested is a little consideration with a regular update, and no more broken promises. It's really very little to ask for.

Jason R. Johnston wrote:BMD is trying to deliver a great product. Let Blackmagic work.

Of course they are, nobody sensible is denying that. Neither however is anybody trying to stop them working, a once a week update just out of courtesy isn't going to bring production to a grinding halt.


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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 8:41 pm

Bill Rich wrote:
Cuboirs writes
I beleive the best way to handle the situation is for everyone to STOP posting on this site period ..Everyone is feeding into this and BMD knows it,they know we are all still gonna purchase this camera as long as were still here every day.....So best bet is hitting where it hurts and dont show any more interest believe me we'll all know when its out!....Soo carry on with youre careers and film w what you have or have access to and GOODLUCK

The only problem with this strategy is that we already BOUGHT the camera! The resellers have our money.. they KNOW we're interested in it..

Listen. I'm not bashing the camera, it's AWESOME!.. I'm not bashing BMD for making it.. They made this camera for US.. the filmmakers.. I think the cause of concern for many of us is we aren't getting any real information about when we can realistically expect the camera to be delivered. and some of us have plans to use the camera and have already purchased gear to accessorize the camera.. but still don't have the camera with no idea when it might arrive.. this year? next year?

For months the 'updates' have been "cameras should be delivered in 2-4 weeks.. then 4-6 weeks.. with production ramping up "Soon". sensors are not good.. then they are good.. then they are not good.. then several 'insiders' claiming the updates are not the real story..

I am willing to hang in there IF Someone from BMD is able to update us when we can expect the cameras.

When BMD put the BMCC up for sale and had resellers take ordered and accept payment.. it then becomes their responsibility when the camera is delayed to keep their customers informed regularly of it's status and when they can reasonably expect delivery. This might not be BMD's policy.. but it's good business to foster goodwill with your customers.

Technically you haven't bought it yet,because u haven't received it and all reseller will refund money on the product that's not available.....get you're money back it does u no good in someone else's pocket
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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 8:53 pm

Christine Peterson, update?
Carlos E Núñez
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Nick Bedford

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 9:20 pm

Catastrophic release of such a promising camera.

People who pre-ordered in April are only just starting to get theirs. I'd buy a RED just to be given solid customer service and transparency.
Nick Bedford, Photographer

Bill Rich

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 9:29 pm

Cuboirs I'm not going to get in a pissing match with you about semantics..
I paid for the camera.. there was a promise of a 2 week delivery.. and now here we sit months later waiting for an update..

I don't hate BMD.. I don't hate the camera.. I think Christine's cool..
I'm just not too thrilled with the situation.. I'll get over it.. it's not the end of the world.

Like everyone else here.. I just want to know what's going on.
Bill Rich
Los Angeles, California
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Dustin Svehlak

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 10:35 pm

No update for an hour on this thread? Gotta be a record!

Cameron Mckinlay

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 10:40 pm

And no update from BMD like promised!....no record, just usual business practice for them.
Cameron Mckinlay

Tassie film

Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 10:52 pm

mhood wrote:
Jason R. Johnston wrote:Until you hand over a signed warranty card and register the camera, NONE OF YOU are customers. Your grievances are with the resellers who duped you into preordering. They have your cash, not BMD. Again: you are customers of the gosh darn resellers.

Hard to believe there are still folks voicing that tired company line. I was directed to the BMD Website by BMD at the NAB announcement (where shipping in July was proudly exclaimed) to see a list of authorized resellers who would be happy to take my preorder for a BMC...made by BMD. I placed a deposit and later payment in full for the BMC...made by BMD...marketed by BMD. There's nothing confusing about that...BMD is in this preorder strategy to their elbows and no number of apologists will ever be able to change that.

OMT, in Texas when somebody tells you they'll post an update in "1 or 2 days" and they don't, we have a name for that. What do you call that in Australia?

!!Bloody wenkers!! period.


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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 10:53 pm

crickets... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
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Christian Schmeer

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 11:14 pm

Here is the long-awaited update for Twine, a Kickstarter project that's about as late as the BMCC. However, they seem to be able to do the PR thing right. Why can't BMD provide us with something similar?

Here's the current status by the numbers:

1,029 Twines shipped so far and accelerating. This week will be our first to hit 1000 per week.

2,800 Twines delivered from our New Hampshire factory and tested (more arriving every week).

9,000 Sensors manufactured, testing more than halfway complete.

48,000 pieces of cardboard folded to form 6,000 Twine boxes. That's about 678,000 folds!
Christian Schmeer - DP / Colourist
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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 11:15 pm

Mr Lam??????
Carlos E Núñez

Christine Peterson

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 11:50 pm

Another update just posted by Grant, here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2431

I'm going to lock this epic thread, but we're leaving that thread open for comments, so please feel free to continue this conversation over there!
Christine Peterson

(Previously Community Relations Manager for Blackmagic Design)
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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 11:51 pm

thank you!!!!!!!!
Carlos E Núñez
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Nick Bedford

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Re: Update on Camera Shipments

PostWed Nov 07, 2012 11:56 pm

Disregarding optimism for dates or anything, I hope that they can resolve the glass bonding company... whatever.. issue and get the machine rolling.
Nick Bedford, Photographer

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