Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

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Justin Guinn

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Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Jul 14, 2016 4:23 am


We have recently completed a simple upgrade to our in house church TV's and we are experiencing a problem. First, some quick background...

Previously and least important our setup was as follows to each TV.

ATEM 1 M/E > Program out > SDI to Analog Mini Converter > TV Modulator > TV x4 (analog was stanard RG6 coax).

Current setup as of the upgrade date of 7/11/16 as follows:

ATEM 1 M/E > Program out > SDI Distribution Mini Converter > SDI - HDMI Micro Converter > TVx4 (One Micro Converter at each TV).


After a few minutes of being on, the sound signal coming from the TV puts out a static/white noise like sound, almost like a digital interference of some sort. It doesn't do it constantly. It will stop for a few seconds and pick back up for a minute or two. Here's what I have done in way of troubleshooting.

I have confirmed that it isn't a matter of signal loss or interruption from the long cable runs. The issue is the same across all TV's/converters. To take that method of thought a step further, I have a TV in our Media Booth at the church not 10 feet from our switcher, I ran a program out directly to one of the Micro Converters that I removed from one of the TV's (totally bypassed the distribution converter), and then out HDMI to the TV's from the Micro and the problem reproduced itself after a few minutes.

I have pulled the analog sound input from the switcher, and while the main incoming sound signal does stop and obviously goes away, the static noise is still there.

I can disconnect the HDMI from the converter, and plug it back in after a few seconds and the problem instantly returns.

I can disconnect the SDI connection and plug it back in after a few seconds and the problem will go away for anywhere from 5-10 minutes and then return.

TV Types: (3) 47" Vizios, (1) 32" Vizio and the test TV in the media booth mentioned above is a 48" Hitachi, 2016 model. Same results on all TV's.

The only other common denominator is the HDMI cables. I am running 3FT Vanco HDMI cables (High Speed with Ethernet) from each Micro Converter to the TV's. I used a 10FT Vanco to test the connection on the TV in the media booth.

There you have it. I tried to sum up as much as I could but provide quick and pertinent information. I have attempted to plug the Micro Converters up to computer using the latest version of the converter software and there's not much in the way of settings to adjust, other then the "Clip Video Output to Legal Levels" setting, and it has nothing to do with audio (for arguments sake, I did test it with this setting off - same problem!).

I've made bold the areas that I feel the problem is likely to exist. Either the SDI connection or the HDMI cables... However, the SDI method we are using is the same that we have running all of our long run projectors, the SDI to Analog converter, and the SDI to our DecLink to our live stream box and we have had zero problems. The sound issue only lies with the TV's.

Sorry for the long post, again, wanted to provide as much detail as possible and minimize the number of questions. Please feel free to ask though and I will give more detail if needed in any area.

Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

OKC Faith

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Jul 14, 2016 4:27 pm

Adding to my post from last night, it may be pertinent to include our input/output specs. We are coming in and out of the ATEM 1 M/E @ 1080i59.94. Our sound is setup as follows:

XLR from our main sound board > to a smaller switch panel > to the switcher via the RCA stereo in ports. Again though, I can disconnect the stereo in ports entirely and the problem still exists.

Tony Rivera

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Jul 14, 2016 6:42 pm

Have you tried swapping the HDMI cables from the Micro Converters to the TVs? I'm not personally aware of the quality of that brand of cables but this could be the issue. A good way to check is also taking the HDMI program out to a TV directly from the ATEM and see if you have troubles that way also.
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Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Jul 14, 2016 7:55 pm

Tony Rivera wrote:Have you tried swapping the HDMI cables from the Micro Converters to the TVs? I'm not personally aware of the quality of that brand of cables but this could be the issue. A good way to check is also taking the HDMI program out to a TV directly from the ATEM and see if you have troubles that way also.

Thank you for the response, Tony. I just attempted to troubleshoot by swapping one of the HDMI cable's with a completely different brand. Same issue. It seems to be once the device (either the Micro Converters or the switcher) heats up. The one cable I haven't swapped that is a common denominator is the SDI cable between the switcher and the Micro Converter (in the test situation)(same cable that will go into the SDI Distribution). If swapping that cable doesn't get me where I need to be, that narrows me to the switcher itself and I will attempt to swap ports. If that doesn't fix it, it sound's like I'll be requesting an RMA from BM for a new switcher. :cry:

I'll keep this thread updated as I crawl along the troubleshooting process. I'm not at the church fulltime, so a day or two might go by without an update.

Tony Rivera

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Jul 14, 2016 8:23 pm

I would suggest testing the HDMI out of the switcher directly to verify the output of the ATEM isn't damaged(both program and multiview just to be safe). If you see static when testing the multiview in just particular sources, there could be an issue with those sources and their ingest/cabling to the switcher itself.
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Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Jul 14, 2016 9:19 pm

Tony Rivera wrote:I would suggest testing the HDMI out of the switcher directly to verify the output of the ATEM isn't damaged(both program and multiview just to be safe). If you see static when testing the multiview in just particular sources, there could be an issue with those sources and their ingest/cabling to the switcher itself.

We utilize the multiview anytime we are operational and it works without any issues with video/audio. I'll do some more troubleshooting as soon as I make it back in. Thanks Tony.

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostSat Jul 16, 2016 4:04 am

Good evening friends. A quick update...

I am going to post a video below that I made just before I figured out the problem.

Long story short, after troubleshooting literally every piece of hardware, it was software related. I was so focused on troubleshooting the newly purchased and installed hardware that I failed to check the software for the latest versions. When I updated the ATEM firmware from v6.7 to v6.9 the problem no longer produced itself.

Reading back through the update sheets, V6.8 provided; "Increased reliability for Genlock and Frame Synchronizer operations", which is likely the reason for the fix. Basically, the audio sync between the switcher and the converters gradually became more and more off, eventually getting so severe that it caused the noise that you hear in the video. I kind of picture it like a batch of broken code or a strand of broken DNA with molecules bouncing everywhere with nothing to attach to! I am certain that BlackMagic produced this patch to support the new internal clocks on their converters, in my case the SDI to HDMI Micro Converter.

I will know for sure if the problem is fixed on Sunday. I let it run for about 20 minutes without issue. Will update again if needed. Thank you for all of the help and support.

Here's the video incase anyone ever needs it:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostSun Jul 17, 2016 2:18 pm

Bad news! After some extended run time during a full swing early morning service at the church, the problem reproduced itself!

As I said above, I have troubleshot literally every piece of equipment. Multiple cables (HDMI, and SDI) Multiple inputs/outputs as I described in the video above.

I'll be calling BlackMagic first thing tomorrow morning to attempt to begin the RMA process. Hopefully they have an advance replacement program.

Again, if anyone has any extra input, please let me know ASAP!



Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Jul 21, 2016 4:11 pm

Alright, here's a quick update.

Please read all of this. Because my problem was semi complicated and involved multiple pieces of equipment, I want to be very thorough and hopefully save others the time of troubleshooting and headache.

I did some research and also contacted Blackmagic tech support ... We both confirmed that the AUX outputs are designed with the same functionality as the program outs in terms of how they function independently hardware wise, not how they function software wise. With that said, to test my problem further, I went out of one of the AUX ports to an SDI > HDMI Micro Converter. After roughly 10 minutes, the problem was still there. Troubleshooting 101 doesn't entirely rule out the switcher, but definitely points towards a bad batch of Converters (All of ours are within a few digits of a serial number batch).

I called Blackmagic back and them being just as confused by the problem as I was, they and I agreed that because the switcher was the oldest equipment in the situation, we didn't want to get to close the the warranty end date. They agreed to, at zero cost I might add, advance replace the switcher. I'm supposed to have the switcher in hand by end of day on Friday (7/22) ... However, this morning, I received the following message from Tech Support at Blackmagic:

Hello Justin.

It would appear that a replacement ATEM (or replacement anything) is not going to solve your issue - they reproduced it in the lab last night & are looking into it now. As soon as I have any updates I will let you know. Meanwhile you might want to hold off on opening the advanced RMA - it could be that we need it sent back. As mentioned, updates as they happen.

With that said, this is a manufacture problem of either the ATEM and or the Micro Converters be it software or hardware. I am standing by for more information and I will update this thread as soon as I hear something additional.

Thank you for all of your help and putting up with my long winded posts!

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostSun Jul 24, 2016 3:00 pm

Quick Update:

There is a bug in the Micro Converter itself and is software/firmware related. The bug has been isolated and a downloadable patch is being tested. Once approved it will be available for download and install.

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostFri Jul 29, 2016 1:25 pm


Still waiting on a solution. Again BM confirmed the issued to be in their Micro Converter. they have a patch/update created with the problem fixed and are running the software through an extensive testing faze before releasing it.

I have requested to have access to a beta version of the fix, so that we can get back up and running, and also help them test their fix. It was denied. I have requested equipment on a loan program to get us back up and running, and somehow "they don't have stock". It was even suggested that I return my equipment for a full refund, essentially recommending that we move on to another company.

I have to say that as a somewhat loyal Blackmagic user, I am disappointed on many fronts.

#1. This problem should have never made it to the public. They were able to re-create this problem in their lab by simply letting the equipment test for a longer period ... It only takes 10-15 minutes for this problem to produce itself. It makes me wonder if it was tested at all or for longer than just to confirm that it has a signal.

#2. A company as vast as Blackmagic (or any company in general) should never recommend that a customer return their product (especially a brand-new product line) and move on. That is very poor business.

#3. When a customer determines a problem with a company's product - a problem that again should have been caught before it ever left their facility, said company should jump through whichever hoop needed to assist that customer with fixing their problem. I am not asking for anything, other than a temporary fix until the patch is done so we can use the equipment we've already paid for, but I understand how proper business and customer service works, and I can tell you, this experience isn't it.

#4. It's hard to believe that a production company as vast as Blackmagic can't, on the fly, produce a set of Mini converters (confirmed to not have the bug), to provide as a loan or in this situation, upgrade/replacement at no cost.

#5. This situation has come at a tough time for our facility as we are limited on funds and cannot afford to throw another $780+ at this problem for mini converters. Be it Blackmagic brand or another company - the lack of support is rather frustrating.

Nevertheless, I'm going to keep pressing into this thing and push for a fix. I've asked that our ticket be escalated multiple times, with little resolve.

A YouTube user commented yesterday that they too are experiencing this exact problem.

Updates to follow.

Brett Poynter

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostFri Aug 26, 2016 3:53 pm

Thanks for your thorough trouble shooting. I am also experiencing the same audio static issue with my micro converter sdi-hdmi and ATEM 1 production studio setup. The symptom is just as you describe. I have also confirmed that it is not an issue with long SDI cable runs, faulty HDMI cables, or incompatible monitors. Hopefully Blackmagic will release the firmware patch soon. In the meantime, I am not able to use the micro converter.

Is anyone else using an ATEM with another brand of sdi-hdmi converter? I am just wonder if I should jump to another brand of converter in the meantime so I can get my system up and running sooner.


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostSun Aug 28, 2016 1:35 am

I have the same problem with the micro converters. This isn't great news!

Rashmikant Shah

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostSun Aug 28, 2016 7:44 am


Any updates on this. I am facing exactly same issue with Micro Converters. Do let me know if you have received any software updates from them.




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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostMon Aug 29, 2016 8:00 pm

rashmikant (and anyone else),

i contacted support this weekend and today i received this reply:

We are aware of that issue and are currently working on a firmware update to fix the problem. Unfortunately I am not privy to exactly when that will be released, but I am assured that our developers are working on getting it out to the public as fast as possible.

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Sep 01, 2016 7:39 pm

Sorry for the delay on my responses, I wasn't getting notifications that people were commenting on this thread.

Brett Poynter wrote:Thanks for your thorough trouble shooting. I am also experiencing the same audio static issue with my micro converter sdi-hdmi and ATEM 1 production studio setup. The symptom is just as you describe. I have also confirmed that it is not an issue with long SDI cable runs, faulty HDMI cables, or incompatible monitors. Hopefully Blackmagic will release the firmware patch soon. In the meantime, I am not able to use the micro converter.

Is anyone else using an ATEM with another brand of sdi-hdmi converter? I am just wonder if I should jump to another brand of converter in the meantime so I can get my system up and running sooner.


I am glad that my detailed troubleshooting and thoroughness can be of assistance. While I'm not happy to know you too (and a few others) are experiencing this problem, it somewhat relieves me at the same time to know I'm not alone. At the same time it adds to the frustration that a solution hasn't been given to this day.

There are multiple different brands that can be used (AJA, Decimator MD-HX, etc.) that are highly recommended. The issue we are having is the budget being what it is and the dollars being so tight at the moment. I hope that you don't find yourself in that situation, however nevertheless, BM should definitely do something more for their customers.

GenePensiero wrote:I have the same problem with the micro converters. This isn't great news!

No Gene, no it isn't! :) We are still waiting for BM to produce a patch and it has been well over a month since their customer discovered a problem that should have never made it out of their factory.

Rashmikant Shah wrote:Justin,

Any updates on this. I am facing exactly same issue with Micro Converters. Do let me know if you have received any software updates from them.



No update as of now. I fired off another email this morning, in which I will provide the full details of below, and I have yet to receive a response. I will monitor this forum more closely and continue to provide updates.

GenePensiero wrote:rashmikant (and anyone else),

i contacted support this weekend and today i received this reply:

We are aware of that issue and are currently working on a firmware update to fix the problem. Unfortunately I am not privy to exactly when that will be released, but I am assured that our developers are working on getting it out to the public as fast as possible.

Thanks for the update Gene. That's basically the same answer that I continue to receive.


Here is the most recent email that I sent to BM this morning, 9/1/2016:

Good morning,

Surely by now there is some update as to when we can expect the firmware patch to be released. If no ETA, please provide an explanation as to why and what the problem is. I cannot simply set by any longer and go off of nothing at all. It has been well over a month since our organization found the problem from your organizations equipment and nothing has been done to remedy the problem, outside of providing an advance replacement switcher for a warranty item that wasn't needed to begin with.

I either need a release of the firmware, an ETA, and or access to a beta version of the patch so that we can get our equipment running again and aid in the testing process. It's really hard to fathom how a company as vast as BlackMagic can prolong a fix as crucial as this and fail to provide their customers with any adequate answers or solutions in the process. I have yet to see or hear of any recall on this equipment, as it is still readily available from all of your online and local retailers.

I apologies for the bluntness, but the failure from your company to provide a solution has resulted in our organizations (and I'm sure many others) lack of professionalism and overall appeal, again, without any remedy from BlackMagic (Telling a customer to return their purchased equipment for a full refund is not a remedy that any company should stand behind).

If you need to escalate again, please do so.

Thank you very much in advance for your time and effort.


Justin Guinn

Rashmikant Shah

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostWed Sep 07, 2016 3:04 pm

Is there any update on this? ETA? Anyone received patch for firmware? I have 9 such Micro converters and everyone of them giving me same issue.

Adam Simmons

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostWed Sep 07, 2016 6:24 pm

I wouldn't expect anything quick from BM, it took 6-8 months for them to fix the Ultrastudio 4K so it worked on Windows machines properly even though they had a beta firmware that fixed it right at the beginning it took that long for them to implement it into a publicly released update. I've given up on them ever doing anything quickly to fix problems.
DVC Built Clevo P775DM3-G Laptop with UHD screen, 7700K CPU@4.9Ghz, Geforce GTX 1060 6GB GPU, G-Sync UHD screen, 500GB M.2 Primary, 1x 480GB SSD, 1x1TB M.2, 1x 2TB Video drives.
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Scott Smith

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostWed Sep 07, 2016 8:28 pm

Unrelated but odd coincidence is that I had a static sound coming from several Hyperdecks that sounds similar to what you describe. A firmware update seems to have fixed it. I just hope I don't end up having to retract that statement as you seem to have had to do earlier in this thread.

I know budget is an issue with most people. It is very often an issue with owners of BlackMagic products, as they are the least expensive stuff on the market that seems to be a professional product. My recommendation is to send back the micro-converters and get the mini-converters. They work, and are still pretty budget friendly by comparison.
Scott R Smith
BMD Stuff I use: ATEM 2-M/E, 4 x ATEM PS 4K, Broadcast Videohub, 6 Hyperdeck Pros, 4 Hyperdeck Shuttles, Multidock, Smartscope Duo, Smartview, Intensity Extreme, Decklink Studio, and lots of Miniconverters and Open Gear Converters.

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Sep 08, 2016 5:43 am

Just to add to the down side of my last post. I just realised we are still waiting for BM to fix the crushed blacks on the analog input of the Intensity Pro 4K. Back in November of last year they said they had a fix and that it would be implemented soon, we are still waiting
Reply from BM on 30th Nov 2015
With regard to the crushed blacks, this fix will be coming in a firmware update very soon
DVC Built Clevo P775DM3-G Laptop with UHD screen, 7700K CPU@4.9Ghz, Geforce GTX 1060 6GB GPU, G-Sync UHD screen, 500GB M.2 Primary, 1x 480GB SSD, 1x1TB M.2, 1x 2TB Video drives.
Building Bespoke Video Editing systems for over 16 years

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostFri Sep 09, 2016 2:16 pm

Rashmikant Shah wrote:Is there any update on this? ETA? Anyone received patch for firmware? I have 9 such Micro converters and everyone of them giving me same issue.

The last response that I received on Wednesday via email was as follows;

Justin Guinn:

Good morning,

I noticed that firmware update "7.0.6" has been released. Is this the
update/fix that we've been waiting on?

BM CS: This issue is on the ATEM firmware side of things, the new converter firmware that was just released is not going to address the issue. I understand your frustration but beyond the options you've already been presented with, there really isn't anything I can do here. Hopefully the new ATEM firmware is released soon.

This is the first time I've been told that the issue actually lies in the ATEM firmware and not the Micro Converter itself. Nevertheless, hurry up and wait.

Adam Simmons wrote:I wouldn't expect anything quick from BM, it took 6-8 months for them to fix the Ultrastudio 4K so it worked on Windows machines properly even though they had a beta firmware that fixed it right at the beginning it took that long for them to implement it into a publicly released update. I've given up on them ever doing anything quickly to fix problems.

Thanks for the bit of honesty, Adam!! That consensus seems to be well known in our area of production ... Which again I say is very pathetic from a company as well known as BlackMagic.

Scott Smith wrote:Unrelated but odd coincidence is that I had a static sound coming from several Hyperdecks that sounds similar to what you describe. A firmware update seems to have fixed it. I just hope I don't end up having to retract that statement as you seem to have had to do earlier in this thread.

I know budget is an issue with most people. It is very often an issue with owners of BlackMagic products, as they are the least expensive stuff on the market that seems to be a professional product. My recommendation is to send back the micro-converters and get the mini-converters. They work, and are still pretty budget friendly by comparison.

I hope that the firmware patch sticks for you as well.

Ya, I didn't want to cave and resort to returning any equipment, but it's starting to seem like that's what I'm going to have to do. I just have to convince the 'wallet' to spend more money and explain the lack of professionalism from the company I/we trusted to provide a crucial element of our service. Not just to our in house TV's, but our entire switcher area of production is supported by multiple pieces of their hardware.

Adam Simmons wrote:Just to add to the down side of my last post. I just realized we are still waiting for BM to fix the crushed blacks on the analog input of the Intensity Pro 4K. Back in November of last year they said they had a fix and that it would be implemented soon, we are still waiting
Reply from BM on 30th Nov 2015

Again Adam, thank you for your honesty lol! "Fist Bump".

Again, I will keep everyone posted. I'm going to upgrade the firmware to the latest patch (7.0.6), this evening and hope for a miracle lol - even though the CS rep said that it wasn't the fix.

Charles Korecki

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Sep 20, 2016 4:52 pm

Hi All,

I recently purchased 12 Black Magic Micro Converters (SDI to HDMI). I purchased so many at once that I had to source them from multiple vendors. The signal path is as follows: Laptop (VGA out and 1/8" audio out) >> Gefen HD VGA to 3GSDI Converter >> Black Magic Mini Converter SDI Distribution 4K >> Black Magic Micro Converter SDI to HDMI >> NEC 55" Display.

The problem I'm having is some kind of aliasing/static on the audio. Because I had to source the Micro Converters from several sources, they arrived at different times. I started the install as soon as the gear arrived and the first 3 units worked beautifully. However, when I tried to install 2 more Micro Converter units, I experienced constant static (oddly, the static sound "pans" or alternates between the L & R speakers of the NEC display). I've swapped everything. Cables, splitters, converters, displays, even power source, power circuits. The only piece of gear that made a difference was the SDI to HDMI converter. Working through my supply of 12, I have found 5 that function normally and 3 that experience the static. I have yet to test the other 4.

This issue sounds similar to what has been discussed here, but I am not using an ATEM unit like the other users. I'm a little new to video and was wondering if I've missed something? Or should I just wait for a firmware update for the Micro Converter?

I appreciate any help or insight that anyone can provide. Thanks so much for your time.


To my original post above. . . I thought I had the system working, but I turned on the NEC Displays today and all 5 were experiencing that weird static/aliasing issue. I wish I could describe it better. The program audio is present, but overshadowed by this weird static that modulates with the signal. Has anyone else experienced a similar situation? Any suggestions? Thanks for your time.
Last edited by Charles Korecki on Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Charles J Korecki


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Oct 04, 2016 9:14 pm

Bump to keep this thread alive.

I'm still so disappointed that they haven't addressed this issue.

Doug Johnson

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostWed Oct 05, 2016 10:41 pm

I'm also having this issue. Makes the converter kind of useless...

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Oct 06, 2016 1:01 am

Charles Korecki wrote:Hi All,

I recently purchased 12 Black Magic Micro Converters (SDI to HDMI). I purchased so many at once that I had to source them from multiple vendors. The signal path is as follows: Laptop (VGA out and 1/8" audio out) >> Gefen HD VGA to 3GSDI Converter >> Black Magic Mini Converter SDI Distribution 4K >> Black Magic Micro Converter SDI to HDMI >> NEC 55" Display.

The problem I'm having is some kind of aliasing/static on the audio. Because I had to source the Micro Converters from several sources, they arrived at different times. I started the install as soon as the gear arrived and the first 3 units worked beautifully. However, when I tried to install 2 more Micro Converter units, I experienced constant static (oddly, the static sound "pans" or alternates between the L & R speakers of the NEC display). I've swapped everything. Cables, splitters, converters, displays, even power source, power circuits. The only piece of gear that made a difference was the SDI to HDMI converter. Working through my supply of 12, I have found 5 that function normally and 3 that experience the static. I have yet to test the other 4.

This issue sounds similar to what has been discussed here, but I am not using an ATEM unit like the other users. I'm a little new to video and was wondering if I've missed something? Or should I just wait for a firmware update for the Micro Converter?

I appreciate any help or insight that anyone can provide. Thanks so much for your time.


To my original post above. . . I thought I had the system working, but I turned on the NEC Displays today and all 5 were experiencing that weird static/aliasing issue. I wish I could describe it better. The program audio is present, but overshadowed by this weird static that modulates with the signal. Has anyone else experienced a similar situation? Any suggestions? Thanks for your time.

Hello Charles,

I just realized that I didn't have the "notify on reply" checked so I haven't been getting notifications on all of y'alls replies ... Sorry for the delayed response. Watch the video I posted above, you'll see the problem. It's exactly as your describe, and many others are having the problem.

I will say this, your situation is the first and is actually a crucial element. I've been told that the problem is in the firmware of the ATEM switcher and not the converters itself. That is obviously not the case, and if it is, then that's an even bigger problem in its own, in that these converters would at that point, not be supported by anything other than BM switcher, and they'd need to advertise as such. I was also said that the problem was only in the Micro ... According to the comments on my YouTube video, the issue also lies in the Mini Converter itself as well.

So ...

I am going to be very bold and speak very freely here. The fact that these are still for sale is absolutely asinine. BlackMagic better get their act together before they have a lawsuit on their hands. I've heard rumors of their poor customer service but this is absolutely ridiculous. Issue a recall, provide your customers with a full refund, pay for shipping across the board, etc. Believe me when I say that our establishment is going to make the switch from BM hardware entirely, and because of the poor customer service, we won't be selling.

I wish that I didn't have to be so straight forward, but I have never in the history of customer service experienced this level of failure from a company of this magnitude and in this industry. You should truly be ashamed BlackMagicDesign.

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Oct 06, 2016 1:03 am

Doug Johnson wrote:I'm also having this issue. Makes the converter kind of useless...


Welcome to the club. Sorry buddy. Hang in there. It's starting to appear that it's going to take all of us beating down the doors and calling.

@BlackMagicDesign, at the very least, pick me to test your "patch" so we can speed up this process.

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostThu Oct 06, 2016 1:04 am

GenePensiero wrote:Bump to keep this thread alive.

I'm still so disappointed that they haven't addressed this issue.

Thank for the thread bump.

I am extremely disappointed that this is still a thread to be honest.


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostSat Dec 24, 2016 9:33 pm

This thread is a bit old but has your issue been resolved?? I'm experiencing the same issue. Slightly different then your video. My issue; starts out fine no issue. Then the audio distortion sound fades in get's loud then goes away. Does this every so many minutes consistently. Only way I've found to stop it is to pull the power on the SDI to HDMI mini converter or on my 20x20 VideoHub switch the input to that specific output then switch right back. This only temporally solves it as within several more minutes this issue returns.

My setup is ATEM 1 out to in VideoHub 20x20 out to in BM Mini converter Optical Fiber through Fiber out to in BM Mini converter Optical Fiber out to in BM Mini SDI to HDMI converter.

I'm going to update my VideoHub to 6.4 to see if that fixes the issue but I'm thinking the issue lies in the BM Mini SDI to HDMI converter.

I can take video of the issue if it's helpful.


System Specs:
Switcher - ATEM 1 M/E Production Studio 4K (1080i 59.94)
Firmware: 6.9

Hub - Smart VideoHub 20x20
Firmware: 6.3.3


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Dec 27, 2016 5:25 pm

Hey Tim!

We still have the problem. There's been no firmware fix. It's really a disappointment. I have like 8 of these units and every one of them is useless because of this issue.

Sadly, the lack of solution has caused me to start looking elsewhere for products that I usually would've immediately gone to BlackMagic for.

For us, if you just power off the TVs then back on the crackle goes away for about 5 minutes, but then comes back.

BlackMagic, you're causing your customers to lose faith in not only this product but in the company as a whole. At least that is true for me.

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Dec 27, 2016 8:51 pm

timgamble wrote:This thread is a bit old but has your issue been resolved?? I'm experiencing the same issue. Slightly different then your video. My issue; starts out fine no issue. Then the audio distortion sound fades in get's loud then goes away. Does this every so many minutes consistently. Only way I've found to stop it is to pull the power on the SDI to HDMI mini converter or on my 20x20 VideoHub switch the input to that specific output then switch right back. This only temporally solves it as within several more minutes this issue returns.

My setup is ATEM 1 out to in VideoHub 20x20 out to in BM Mini converter Optical Fiber through Fiber out to in BM Mini converter Optical Fiber out to in BM Mini SDI to HDMI converter.

I'm going to update my VideoHub to 6.4 to see if that fixes the issue but I'm thinking the issue lies in the BM Mini SDI to HDMI converter.

I can take video of the issue if it's helpful.


System Specs:
Switcher - ATEM 1 M/E Production Studio 4K (1080i 59.94)
Firmware: 6.9

Hub - Smart VideoHub 20x20
Firmware: 6.3.3

Yep the problem is still a problem. I am very sorry to hear that you too are affected. The fact the BM is still knowingly allowing their 3rd parties to source these converters is absolutely pathetic.

GenePensiero wrote:Hey Tim!

We still have the problem. There's been no firmware fix. It's really a disappointment. I have like 8 of these units and every one of them is useless because of this issue.

Sadly, the lack of solution has caused me to start looking elsewhere for products that I usually would've immediately gone to BlackMagic for.

For us, if you just power off the TVs then back on the crackle goes away for about 5 minutes, but then comes back.

BlackMagic, you're causing your customers to lose faith in not only this product but in the company as a whole. At least that is true for me.

I sent an email last week to BM Customer Support, here's their response:

Unfortunately, we do not have currently have a fix we are however getting a bit closer. It looks like the patch will come with the update to the next revision of the ATEM software which is projected to come out after the New Year. This could mean January 2nd or it could mean January 30th. I can't give you an exact date because I do not have one as of yet.

In the early stages of this issue, they informed me that the issue wasn't in the ATEM but solely the micro-converter only. They recommend purchasing the mini converter in place of the micro as it's not affected, however a earlier post on this thread or my YouTube channel say that the mini's are affected as well, so I'm not sure what an ATEM update is going to fix, but I'll let the mad doctor explain that one!

Nevertheless, I'm done assuming. BM has failed miserably in my opinion and I'll never buy another product from them. This should have never left the factory and when it was discovered the recall should have been issued.

Here's the really cheap but highly affected converter we just purchased in placed of these Micro's:

https://www.amazon.com/OREI-XD-500-HDMI ... rter&psc=1
Last edited by Justin Guinn on Wed Dec 28, 2016 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Dec 27, 2016 8:54 pm

Hey Justin! thanks for all your input in this saga.

so, that OREI works with the ATEM? had any issues with it?

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Dec 27, 2016 9:04 pm

GenePensiero wrote:Hey Justin! thanks for all your input in this saga.

so, that OREI works with the ATEM? had any issues with it?

We've only had them running for about a week, but no, we haven't had any problems.

Charles Korecki

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostWed Dec 28, 2016 1:20 pm

Hmmmmm. . . . I do not use an ATEM--just the microconverters. So I'm not sure how a patch or update for the the ATEM unit will help me. My units are still exhibiting the weird static/aliasing. So I keep the audio volume off (for the TV's) and have run a completely separate audio system until I can get the microconverters working properly. Has anyone else out there had any luck with any troubleshooting?

Unfortunately, we do not have currently have a fix we are however getting a bit closer. It looks like the patch will come with the update to the next revision of the ATEM software which is projected to come out after the New Year. This could mean January 2nd or it could mean January 30th. I can't give you an exact date because I do not have one as of yet.

In the early stages of this issue, they informed me that the issue wasn't in the ATEM but solely the micro-converter only. They recommend purchase the mini converter in place of the micro as it's not affected, however a earlier post on this thread or my YouTube channel say that the mini's are affected as well, so I'm not sure what an ATEM update is going to fix, but I'll let the mad doctor explain that one!
Charles J Korecki

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostWed Dec 28, 2016 7:48 pm

Charles Korecki wrote:Hmmmmm. . . . I do not use an ATEM--just the microconverters. So I'm not sure how a patch or update for the the ATEM unit will help me. My units are still exhibiting the weird static/aliasing. So I keep the audio volume off (for the TV's) and have run a completely separate audio system until I can get the microconverters working properly. Has anyone else out there had any luck with any troubleshooting?

Unfortunately, we do not have currently have a fix we are however getting a bit closer. It looks like the patch will come with the update to the next revision of the ATEM software which is projected to come out after the New Year. This could mean January 2nd or it could mean January 30th. I can't give you an exact date because I do not have one as of yet.

In the early stages of this issue, they informed me that the issue wasn't in the ATEM but solely the micro-converter only. They recommend purchase the mini converter in place of the micro as it's not affected, however a earlier post on this thread or my YouTube channel say that the mini's are affected as well, so I'm not sure what an ATEM update is going to fix, but I'll let the mad doctor explain that one!

That's precisely my point. How can they expect a firmware patch on the ATEM to fix the problem, when the issue isn't dependent on the ATEM's firmware to begin with. I'm baffled to be honest.

BM, I'm know you have a presence here, no matter how minute ... Speak up for peat-sake. I have personally troubleshot in every way possible (at least in our setup), and the issue cannot be fixed. It's definitely on BlackMagic's side.


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Jan 03, 2017 4:40 pm

I'm with ya Justin... Come on BM do something this is ridiculous! The Micro Converter SDI to HDMI is the culprit, everyone knows it. Recall them and replace/fix the issue. :x

Addison Day

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostSun Jan 08, 2017 8:46 pm

This problem is killing me! I spent all day yesterday updating every single piece of BM gear in our setup from the ATEM 1/ME 4K to every micro converter both hdmi-sdi and sdi-hdmi. At least I feel it is completely isolated now -- to the SDI-HDMI micro converter. My only luck is that I'm not using any to pass audio.

BM undoubtedly is working on this, but they are still selling them as if they work! Dishonest!

the problem has nothing to do with the ATEM Switcher since it occurs even when simply sending from one micro-converter to the other.

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostWed Jan 11, 2017 4:45 pm

timgamble wrote:I'm with ya Justin... Come on BM do something this is ridiculous! The Micro Converter SDI to HDMI is the culprit, everyone knows it. Recall them and replace/fix the issue. :x

Thanks buddy. This problem should have never left their facility.

Addison Day wrote:This problem is killing me! I spent all day yesterday updating every single piece of BM gear in our setup from the ATEM 1/ME 4K to every micro converter both hdmi-sdi and sdi-hdmi. At least I feel it is completely isolated now -- to the SDI-HDMI micro converter. My only luck is that I'm not using any to pass audio.

BM undoubtedly is working on this, but they are still selling them as if they work! Dishonest!

the problem has nothing to do with the ATEM Switcher since it occurs even when simply sending from one micro-converter to the other.

Yep, it is for sure isolated to the Micro Converter and has nothing to do with the ATEM. This problem should have never of left their facility without being caught. Sometimes defects slide through, and that's when a company should implement a full recall and reimburse their customers - not continue to sell the known broken equipment as good working equipment. They have a very poor business model and it's why they have a bad rap industry wide for these types of problems. I'm personally done with BM.


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostSun Feb 05, 2017 4:51 pm

Well, it's now February and no update.

I am still surprised they haven't recalled these units and keep selling them, knowing they are defective.

I used to recommend BlackMagic frequently, but I can't do so with confidence any more.

Addison Day

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 5:13 pm

GenePensiero wrote:Well, it's now February and no update.

I am still surprised they haven't recalled these units and keep selling them, knowing they are defective.

I used to recommend BlackMagic frequently, but I can't do so with confidence any more.

I can confirm that the Converters 7.0.7 Update has resolved this issue for me at the current time.

Curiously, the release notes mention nothing about micro converters at all, and when connecting to the utility, the device version immediately shows 7.0.7, so the update must happen without a prompt upon connecting the device.

So audio now passes without corruption for me on 7.0.7. I will update if the situation changes. BMD has repeatedly denied the problem even exists, and have now rolled out a fix without telling anyone because they would have to admit the problem! :roll:

Charles Korecki

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 5:20 pm

Good to hear that an update has appeared for at least one device. Keeping fingers crossed that an update for the micro converters is coming soon!! I'm still running all my video monitors with the volume muted.
Charles J Korecki


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 5:42 pm

Addison Day wrote:
GenePensiero wrote:Well, it's now February and no update.

I am still surprised they haven't recalled these units and keep selling them, knowing they are defective.

I used to recommend BlackMagic frequently, but I can't do so with confidence any more.

I can confirm that the Converters 7.0.7 Update has resolved this issue for me at the current time.

Curiously, the release notes mention nothing about micro converters at all, and when connecting to the utility, the device version immediately shows 7.0.7, so the update must happen without a prompt upon connecting the device.

So audio now passes without corruption for me on 7.0.7. I will update if the situation changes. BMD has repeatedly denied the problem even exists, and have now rolled out a fix without telling anyone because they would have to admit the problem! :roll:

Thanks for the update Addison. Time for me to start updating!

Justin Guinn

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 6:09 pm

Thanks for the replies everyone. I will update our converters as soon as I get to the church tomorrow and see if 7.0.7 fixes the issue on our end as well.


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 6:26 pm

Little bit of a hiccup for me - I have over 10 of these to update. The problem is, when I try to do them in succession, after the first unit updates and I close the application, unplug converter and plug in the next one, when I open up the application again it thinks the next box already has 7.0.7, even though I confirmed on another computer that it only has 7.0.6.

Any ideas on how to get the application to acknowledge the real version?

Addison Day

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 6:58 pm

GenePensiero wrote:Little bit of a hiccup for me - I have over 10 of these to update. The problem is, when I try to do them in succession, after the first unit updates and I close the application, unplug converter and plug in the next one, when I open up the application again it thinks the next box already has 7.0.7, even though I confirmed on another computer that it only has 7.0.6.

Any ideas on how to get the application to acknowledge the real version?

For the converter that you updated first, can you verify the version is 7.0.7 on your second computer?
On the second computer, are you running the Utility for 7.0.6 for the new one?

EDIT: I tested this myself and found that (at least in regards to micro converters) the utility will display the "software version" of the utility, regardless of the firmware version on the device. Therefore you cannot use the utility to determine which firmware version is running on the device.
Last edited by Addison Day on Tue Feb 07, 2017 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 7:05 pm

Addison Day wrote:
For the converter that you updated first, can you verify the version is 7.0.7 on your second computer?
On the second computer, are you running the Utility for 7.0.6 for the new one?

So, I had 7.0.7 on my Macbook Pro and 7.0.6 on a Mac Mini.

Plugged in Converter A to Macbook Pro. It said update was needed, updated.

Plugged in Converter B to Macbook Pro, no call for update. Shows as firmware version 7.0.7.

Plugged Converter B into Mac Mini and it shows firmware version 7.0.6.

Addison Day

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 7:10 pm

GenePensiero wrote:Plugged Converter B into Mac Mini and it shows firmware version 7.0.6.

And what does Converter A show when connected to the Mac Mini? My suspicion is that it will show 7.0.6 because that is the version of the utility. I know it shouldn't work like that but that what I found


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 7:14 pm

Addison Day wrote:And what does Converter A show when connected to the Mac Mini? My suspicion is that it will show 7.0.6 because that is the version of the utility. I know it shouldn't work like that but that what I found

I'll check in a bit. But, my problem is then, how can I know if my firmware version is updated or not?

BTW, thanks for troubleshooting with me.


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 7:19 pm

So, I just pulled one of the Micro Converters out of the sealed box that has been sitting on my shelf for 6 months. Plugged it in. Doesn't call for software update. Still shows 'software version 7.0.7'.

Addison Day

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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 7:28 pm

GenePensiero wrote:So, I just pulled one of the Micro Converters out of the sealed box that has been sitting on my shelf for 6 months. Plugged it in. Doesn't call for software update. Still shows 'software version 7.0.7'.

Yes this is exactly what I found. No update prompt, no message showing update needed. Just shows 7.0.7 as current version when connected.

However I have not experienced the audio corruption since connecting the micro-converters to the 7.0.7 utility.


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Re: Micro Converter - SDI > HDMI Problem/Question

PostTue Feb 07, 2017 7:30 pm

Addison Day wrote:Yes this is exactly what I found. No update prompt, no message showing update needed. Just shows 7.0.7 as current version when connected.

However I have not experienced the audio corruption since connecting the micro-converters to the 7.0.7 utility.

okie dokie. i'll see what happens with mine.

thanks again.

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