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How to learn the in's and out's of Fusion

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Caleb Camera

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How to learn the in's and out's of Fusion

PostSun Dec 08, 2019 11:48 am

I have now spent quite a long time with DaVinci Resolve, and specifically fusion. I have started to really grasp many of the features it offers. But am still having trouble understanding many of the nuisances and terminology of the VFX software. Like for example what each part of the filter method, drop-down box in the merge node mean. Like WTF does it mean by gaussian. This is in large part because I am a beginner learning off the internet, so these certain aspects of VFX and editing haven't been taught to me. So how can I learn about this kind of stuff, how can I learn every individual node’s settings uses. I thought of looking up manuals but the ones I could find, from the images shown, seemed to be of fusion before it was integrated into DaVinci Resolve. So, I probably shouldn't use that less I miss something important in the newer version of fusion. So now I am stumped, I don't really know where to go, videos help defiantly, but they are too specific, I want a kind of text book to read over so I can just understand the theory behind fusion and ****. So, any recommendations, because there has to be something, how did everyone else learn about all this very specific feature without some form of manual to tell them their purpose. Experimenting can only get you so far.
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Bryan Ray

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Re: How to learn the in's and out's of Fusion

PostMon Dec 09, 2019 7:11 pm

I don't recall having seen an updated tool reference manual for v16. But since at least 60% of the icons are identical at the moment, that doesn't much surprise me.

The v9 tool reference document is still mostly accurate: https://documents.blackmagicdesign.com/ ... 1601400000

A few things have changed, and the UI is different, but it's still the best we have.

I was working on a book, which I started in Fusion 7 and stopped working on with the integration into Resolve (I'll pick it up again if and when the UI is finished). The screenshots are therefore quite out of date, but the concepts are still just as valid. First draft is available on my website:
http://www.bryanray.name/wordpress/comp ... -contents/

It's designed to be more of an introduction to the craft of compositing rather than a manual for the software, so it's organized in such a way as to provide the student with foundational skills.
Bryan Ray


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Re: How to learn the in's and out's of Fusion

PostMon Dec 09, 2019 8:00 pm

Bryan, I'd just like to take the opportunity (on behalf of many here) to thank you for sharing your oracle-like knowledge of Fusion here in this forum. You've helped me immensely on many occasions and I see you also helping many others on a regular basis.

Thank you so much, life (with Fusion) would be much harder without you!
Resolve 18.1 Studio, Fusion 9 Studio
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Lucas D.

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Re: How to learn the in's and out's of Fusion

PostTue Dec 10, 2019 10:35 am

RCModelReviews wrote:Bryan, I'd just like to take the opportunity (on behalf of many here) to thank you for sharing your oracle-like knowledge of Fusion here in this forum. You've helped me immensely on many occasions and I see you also helping many others on a regular basis.

Thank you so much, life (with Fusion) would be much harder without you!

I agree. < slow clap > :lol:
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Pieter Van Houte

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Re: How to learn the in's and out's of Fusion

PostTue Dec 10, 2019 3:12 pm

Lucas D. wrote:< slow clap > :lol:

I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but

slow clap (plural slow claps) A form of clapping in which audience members clap slowly, with long intervals between claps, as a form of heckling and to show that they disapprove of a performer, speaker, etc.

Oopsie :)
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Re: How to learn the in's and out's of Fusion

PostWed Dec 11, 2019 4:39 pm

Do you prefer :

I agree. Whiplash.

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*Resolve Studio everywhere, Fusion Studio too

Thom Guida

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Re: How to learn the in's and out's of Fusion

PostThu Mar 05, 2020 11:14 pm

Thank you Bryan. I will be referring to your material as well.

Caleb, as an individual much like yourself from a non-technical, non-cinematic, and self-taught mostly; I came across this not too long along and it may help you fill-in other blanks as you come across.


Bryan Ray wrote:I don't recall having seen an updated tool reference manual for v16. But since at least 60% of the icons are identical at the moment, that doesn't much surprise me.

The v9 tool reference document is still mostly accurate: https://documents.blackmagicdesign.com/ ... 1601400000

A few things have changed, and the UI is different, but it's still the best we have.

I was working on a book, which I started in Fusion 7 and stopped working on with the integration into Resolve (I'll pick it up again if and when the UI is finished). The screenshots are therefore quite out of date, but the concepts are still just as valid. First draft is available on my website:
http://www.bryanray.name/wordpress/comp ... -contents/

It's designed to be more of an introduction to the craft of compositing rather than a manual for the software, so it's organized in such a way as to provide the student with foundational skills.
RSD v.18.04, BMD KB & Micro Panel
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Saad Shah

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Re: How to learn the in's and out's of Fusion

PostFri Mar 06, 2020 1:42 am

Hey Caleb,
I can empathize with your frustration, man. We have all felt it, and most people give up and never develop or cultivate the artistic skills to become accomplished visual artists in a professional sense. But if you as a student are ready to learn, then the teacher will arrive, as they say. So know that learning this is going to be a struggle at the beginning, and become easier as you build on the fundamental skills.

First, I suggest divide your learning/research into two categories:
a) Learning the Fusion software and how to use it, and
b) Learning compositing and visual arts

For "a", that is, learning the software:
1. Read the manual. Keep it handy and refer to it often. As your experience will grown, so will your understanding of it.
2. Use forums such as this and We Suck Less. A lot of people will ask questions that you may also have, and you will see the answers proactively.
3. There's a ton of youtube channels showing the basics. Watch these videos as these are completely free.
4. Engage with the Fusion community and sooner or later you will find mentors who will guide your development and help you with their feedback and advice.
5. And there are some paid courses out there too, if you really want to spend some cash and fast track your learning of the software.

For "b", that is, learning visual arts and graphic design and compositing and animation:
1. Check out youtube channels by great artists who explain technical concepts such as masking, animation splines, trackers, chroma keying, particle effects, 3D compositing, film effects, color effects, scripting and expressions, film making and visual effects, the whole gamut of the industry.
2. Dont just limit yourself to learning the art from Fusion sources... the concepts are the same for Nuke, After Effects, 3D programs and video editing programs, etc.
3. Practice. Start creating and experimenting. "steal" from everyone and make something new.
4. Be patient. It is a technical field, and it takes a year or two just to grasp the basics and start creating stuff that will inspire you.

With that said, search these basic terms and take it one step at a time:

Node based editing versus layer based editing.
Video formats, resolutions, frame rates, editing video clips.
Shapes, masks and mattes, transitions, accents.
Color theory, complimentary colors.
Keyframes, animation splines, easing concepts, text effects
Simple effects, such as glows, blurs, blends, motion blur.

Fusion is a very versatile tool, so you will need to decide what you want to do with it. Personally I am a motion graphics designer, so thats mostly what I use it for. You might want to focus on something else, depending on what you are trying to achieve.

In short, be specific in learning one concept or tool at a time.

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