Unintuitive Fusion

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Christoffer Glans

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Unintuitive Fusion

PostWed Apr 24, 2024 8:27 am

Some examples of recent frustration...

I've been trying to do simple removals of objects in edits. But painting things and getting trackers to function properly, either using freezing time for stills or tracking the actual strokes is just horrendous.

It shouldn't be this complicated to connect features to trackers. And going through layers of offsetting the centers in order for a tracker to connect properly, then resetting the center, then if it isn't done in the perfect order it breaks and can't be CTRL+Z without breaking things even further until you have to redo the process again. And if you changed ANOTHER timeline to another resolution, you're untouched timeline with fusion compositions gets screwed up. It's like... what the actual f....?

Fusion needs a fundamental rework at its core to make things more intuitive. It doesn't matter that people who've been training themselves in Fusion for years know all the backdoors and shortcuts to how things work, Fusion is fundamentally a patchwork of illogical priorities of function. If I connect a tracker to paint node, it should operate on the logic that I want the strokes to move along it. Or if more complex operation, just ask after connection for the most common initial operations.

The problem here isn't that "Fusion seems too complex", it's that even among people who are versed in software like Nuke will get confused about these weird things. It's not about the complexity, it's that the complexity is first in line of operation and not making the most common uses of nodes and options their first initial behavior. Complexity should be something found underneath the basic, not the other way around.

On top of this, when using part of a long clip in an edit and starting a comp in Fusion, it makes keyframe editing extremely tedious as it just defaults to showing the entire clip and not the segment that's actually used in both the edit and comp. Why is viewing the entire clip the default in keyframe viewing? Wasting time having to center frame the view every time you go into the keyframe editor?

It feels like Fusion is a bit hijacked by regular users of Fusion defending their workflows that's based on this patchwork of operations. Instead of just embracing change and rework Fusion into functioning better. While both the editing and color pages gets tons of features (color page sometime gets features that should be part of the toolkit in Fusion), Fusion itself seems to just be there, never really changing that much.

Why can't Blackmagic innovate in the same way for Fusion as the other parts of the software?

Jim Simon

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Re: Unintuitive Fusion

PostThu Apr 25, 2024 4:58 pm

Christoffer Glans wrote:Fusion needs a fundamental rework at its core to make things more intuitive.
I don't think "intuitive" is very applicable with software as complex as Resolve.

Additionally, this isn't really an actionable request. It's too vague, and likely to not get much attention for that.

If you have a specific idea for a specific tool, that would be something we could discuss and vote on. That would be something BMD could consider doing.
My Biases:

You NEED training.
You NEED a desktop.
You NEED a calibrated (non-computer) display.

Hendrik Proosa

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Re: Unintuitive Fusion

PostFri Apr 26, 2024 7:09 am

Jim Simon wrote:I don't think "intuitive" is very applicable with software as complex as Resolve.

Yea, intuitive is relative, I agree.

But I agree with original post too, my impression has been, and still is, that Fu makes easy things hard and none of the hard things easy. And it isn’t about the nodez, which are so powerful and advanced.
I do stuff

Jim Simon

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Re: Unintuitive Fusion

PostSat Apr 27, 2024 2:43 pm

Well, what specific ideas could BMD implement to make it easier?
My Biases:

You NEED training.
You NEED a desktop.
You NEED a calibrated (non-computer) display.

Hendrik Proosa

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Re: Unintuitive Fusion

PostMon Apr 29, 2024 8:21 am

Jim Simon wrote:Well, what specific ideas could BMD implement to make it easier?

That's what the search function of the forum is for, digging up all the old threads that cover just that ;)
I do stuff

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