Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 3:14 am

pss wrote:
Jimmykorea wrote:The guy has issues. Absolutely no one is allowed to critique his work. I highlighted this to him the other day and he just deleted my comment. Why the ego? He's a blogger...

he wants to come across as some really nice guy but he's as sensitive and prickly as my ex girlfriend. You can't put stuff on the internet and not expect some negative views.

so you have nothing better to do then making sure that your opinion about him gets heard wherever his name comes up?
this thread is about footage he posted...he is not even posting here afaik?
sorry that you can't get along with mr bloom but i am not sure this is the place to dwell on your online relationships.....completely pointless and annoying to people who would prefer to discuss cameras, footage,....

I'm here to discuss cameras too which is why without any personal animosity toward Mr Bloom I would say he usually reviews stuff months after everyone else does, with no new information, smothers the footage with products he IS getting commission for (even the review was for CVP) including film convert and Magic Bullet and really gets irate when you highlight the weakness of his testing. I mean the products he's selling cover up the color science for one thing which is so great about the camera in the first place. This review is about his personality and profile as a blogger not cameras unfortunately...

In the end I don't care about his tests cause they never tell me anything new. Please correct me if I am wrong, IF you found out some fact that hasn't been talked about months ago by others?

The bottom line? I feel like he doesn't really give the BM cameras the credit they deserve. He says he likes them but kind of has a bias against them. My personal hunch is he has too much to lose for the whole Canon DSLR thing to end. That's why I personally take his tests with a pinch of salt.
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:04 am

Jimmykorea wrote:
pss wrote:
Jimmykorea wrote:The bottom line? I feel like he doesn't really give the BM cameras the credit they deserve. He says he likes them but kind of has a bias against them. My personal hunch is he has too much to lose for the whole Canon DSLR thing to end. That's why I personally take his tests with a pinch of salt.

Some people have different things that are important to them. For some of us, we might think that the quality of the footage is all that matters. For others, the shooting experience is just as important (or more) as the bitrate/bit depth/quality of the footage and the footage quality from another camera might just be good enough. Everyone has different needs and I think we sometimes forget that. We should remember to respect each other's opinions because everyone's needs are different.

A C300/100 might be a better choice than a BMCC for some.
Paul Del Vecchio - Director/Producer
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:56 am

Absolutely, so I think a valid critisism of Blooms tests (not him) is that he is more focused on ENG stuff than narrative Cinema so may not be the right person to critic a 'Cinema' camera anyway.

*Sorry about Quadruple post! Was trying to refresh my iPad, must of been reposting. Cant delete them I think..


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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 5:42 am

What I don't understand is the need for so many to address him as "Mr." all the time. WTF? Is that one step from being Knighted or what? When I talk about Martin Scorcese, I say Scorcese. When I speak of anyone, unless they share a name with someone else, they are just their last name. It seems that some goto the extra mile to place people on these imaginary pedestals and annoint them with a sirname while not addressing everyone else in the same manner.

I've watched Bloom's videos and read his blogs. I give him the same amount of respect as I do to others. But by no means do I take his word for granted. His views are put into the pile with everyone elses. He presents well on camera, or as we say at work, "He must be smart, he has a British accent"! That's not meant to be a knock on him, it's more a knock on how dull the lack of accent we Americans have.

As to the charge that Bloom should have read up on the camera, meh, doesn't matter to me. I just take what he says and add it to the pile. Cheeseycam's final report was critical of the battery thing to. Seems like after hearing that from both individuals means that someone needs to come up with a below camera mount/external battery for the camera. Might actually help with the small form factor for those with big digits!

My take on the entire BMC camera line.... It's bare bones. It's inexpensive. It's got things that need fixin. It's version one point zero. Anyone expecting a Ferrari when it's clearly a Chevy and complaining about it, is clearly an idiot.... imho :)
Bill Gilbride
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 6:20 am

Jimmykorea wrote:
VicHarris wrote:Yeah Jimmey, that's what happened. You were rude to everyone over and over again for no reason and your was the only opinion that mattered. It actually went on for much longer than any of us thought it would so for you to say some moderator kicked you off because you didn't agree with peoples opinion is just plain wrong man. You wouldn't listen to anyone even when they were being nice and you insulted people over and over again. It was just plain ignorant behavior by what I assume is a grown man. As soon as I sight up here and look at my first thread, BOOM, you're doing the same thing.

This Sycophantic behaviour you describe doesn't even make sense. You were rude to everyone else, not the moderator. That is just plain wrong as well. You might need meds dude, seriously.

Oh yeah, I love the crack about the wedding video. That's funny and seems like it's peoples uneducated knee jerk reaction when they actually have no idea what they are talking about. :)

1. Not a wedding video guy. Once again, your comment makes no sense.
2. Only times I've been to weddings, I've been way to drunk to focus a camera.
3. Maybe just a little research before you ramble off, might pay off, just saying :)
4. So where's your award wining stuff Jimmy?
5. I never had a problem with what you do for a living, whatever that is, just a problem with the way you feel you have to treat everyone online.

BM probably just doesn't give a **** because they are a successful company so what goes on these boards, besides problems with equipment is of little concern to them. So yeah, you'll get away with it here most likely but on forums where they have moderators making sure everyone is at least civil to one another, it's not going to fly.

I don't argue with wedding vidiographers, sorry...

I really just felt this needs to be said...For those who love filming. There is no job beneath them (As should be said for any person of any occupation who works hard to feed there family). We are not all looking for fame and fortune. Some people live, breath and dream, of creating works that people will cherish.
I myself have done a few weddings. I hate doing them due to unrealistic pressure and the such that I am sure we are all aware of.
But the stigma of an individual who films a wedding and edits it, is uncalled for, and we as a filming community should hold these people who make a living doing this in high regard as opposed to the demeaning state of mind that they are issued, even to this date.
In fact I believe it is a more demanding, more specific skill then most vidiographers are willing to deal with , if not all.
When you get hired to do a Hollywood blockbusting movie then by all means be a dick...

Until then, You should have respect for those who take on what you are apparently to afraid to do yourself.

J Norris
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 6:46 am


Well said. I work at a television station, and more than a few people thru the years earn extra scratch by doing weddings. They deal with "TV" all week and then some with handling the wedding gigs. I couldn't do it. I dont have the patience. That being said, it is honest work. You dont see anyone putting down adult video (edited since apparently you cannot say the P word) producers, no, they single out wedding producers. :)
Bill Gilbride
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Hans Engstrom

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 7:56 am

Christian Schmeer wrote:We're always obsessed about the steadiness of the moving image. I can't think of a single film I've seen at the cinema recently that I would consider to have a "steady image" throughout. The whole idea of shaky footage = not cinematic is a fallacy. Granted, camera shake in high budget cinematic production is mostly on purpose and (hopefully) controlled, it's camera shake nonetheless.

Only one of the features I've assisted during the last year stayed away from handcamera completely and was shot in a more classic way, I like handcamera when it adds something. For me there's a big difference in how a small lightweight camera tends to behave compared to a heavier one. There are theese small shakes in PB video that brings unease to the viever, or to me I should say. The TV series we are shooting now is 90% handcamera and it looks good and is the correct choice for the story being told but for me I didn't feel that the shakes was adding anything in PBs video they where instead distracting.
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 10:21 am

Hi there

1st post here. I rarely visit forums for the below explained reason.

I really want someone please explain to me why something so innocuous always ends up becoming personal? I have, in my own time I need to add (and it's so far take 6 days pretty solidly) given myself to share my journey with the pocket camera. Both in the review (and there are 2 more parts to come) and footage which I make available for download (and more to come) during this time I have not done any paid work and more importantly which August was supposed to be for me, was to relax, get some much needed down time and catch up on long delayed edits like my recent F55 short "La Tamise"

There is no need for personal judgements and effectively attacks on me as as person. You are entitled to your own opinion on me of course but to take the time to come here and lay into me? Why? You don't know me so why attack me? In fact why attack anyone? Especially one who is only trying to help! We all know what the end result will be if this keep on carrying on...I will simply stop sharing, stop the blog and stop the reviews. The website is not my job. I make films. I shoot I direct in multiple genres. That is how I make a living and one that I have been doing for 25 years and has been quite successful thankfully.

Why must I have directed a big fiction feature to be measured in skills? The statement "what movies has he DP'd"? It's just ridiculous. The fact I choose to not work in fiction features is my choice. It's not what I enjoy. I work in documentaries primarily, corporates and commercials. If you have time and want to watch something that is important and meaningful and more worthwhile that trolling why not watch my BAFTA/ Raindance winning feature documentary "How to start a revolution" or perhaps "Confluence"? Both were shot either partly on DSLRs or fully. These are both on itunes.

When it comes to me being prickly? Try having people attack you, send sh*itty messages, have threads where they pull you apart (this is why I don't visit forums anymore) to you etc etc. PLEASE REMEMBER I AM A HUMAN BEING!!

If I remove comments from videos or do not publish them on my site it's most likely for a number of reasons, I do actively encourage construct criticism and it's in-fact an essential way in which I improve my work. If you are rude I will delete your comment. Whether it's to me or to others. If you make a comment that may not be rude but starts a massive argument with people I will remove it. Just yesterday I did that as someone wrote a simple but strange comment that I thought was a joke but he was serious. It started a massive thread on the page of my video and then people started commenting rudely on that guys videos. I do not want that and I will delete these things to stop this happening and to keep the discussion constructive and adult.

So when you some people say I cannot take criticism. Yes, nobody likes someone to say negatives things about something they really love, but it comes part and parcel with filmmaking but there is a massive difference with being constructive and saying something like "That was really bad I think you should give up and find a new career" I am sorry but I have no desire to have that on my page.

Please remember I give all my advice for free. I do not charge a penny for any of the stuff I put out there. If you don't like me or my work that is fine...but if that is the case why do you still visit my site and read what I write and watch my films and reviews?

I know a lot of it is down to the way things can be read and especially how people act when using a keyboard compared to real life, people act differently, but please don't use me as your punchbag. There is only so much I will take before I will simply say life is too short, because you know what? Like I said before. I am human and no matter how hard you try if affects you and if it affects my life and those around me because of it then it simply is not worth it. I never set out to be in this position. It just happened. I only ever wanted to shoot. So if I just go back to just that then OK! It's still my passion so that's not bad at all! :)

Hopefully this makes sense to people.



P.S. To Jimmy Korea who seems to have the biggest chip on his shoulder. The only review I have done much after the camera came out I can think of is my C100 review. It was called "The Better Late Than Never C100 Review". Again, if you find the fact I try to subside these reviews by promoting products I wholeheartedly endorse and more importantly use, then please do not watch the reviews or read the posts. Correct me if I am wrong Jimmy but I have no recollection of pointing a gun to your head and saying "Watch Jimmy, read Jimmy! If you don't I will decorate your walls with a colour I call hint of troll!!" (that is supposed to be a joke :D )

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 10:34 am

Thanks for taking the time to post here Philip and welcome.

I personally value the effort you go to that you share with us all. I mostly do it when I can if it's part of my process and you go the extra mile to do it for it's own sake.

It's not hard to be civil and polite. It's harder still to maintain decorum when your motives and methodologies are questioned. I'm looking forward to the next two instalments of your review.

Imagine the person is right in front of you when you post.

John Brawley ACS
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 10:39 am

Hans Engstrom wrote:
Christian Schmeer wrote:We're always obsessed about the steadiness of the moving image. I can't think of a single film I've seen at the cinema recently that I would consider to have a "steady image" throughout. The whole idea of shaky footage = not cinematic is a fallacy. Granted, camera shake in high budget cinematic production is mostly on purpose and (hopefully) controlled, it's camera shake nonetheless.

Only one of the features I've assisted during the last year stayed away from handcamera completely and was shot in a more classic way, I like handcamera when it adds something. For me there's a big difference in how a small lightweight camera tends to behave compared to a heavier one. There are theese small shakes in PB video that brings unease to the viever, or to me I should say. The TV series we are shooting now is 90% handcamera and it looks good and is the correct choice for the story being told but for me I didn't feel that the shakes was adding anything in PBs video they where instead distracting.


If you read the info on the video I explain on the London Eye you cannot film without written permission . If I had brought my handheld rig on the eye it would have been taken off me. Now if you look at the later stuff when it is darker that WAS with a rig and you can see the difference. Would I have preferred to use a rig for all of this? Damn right. Does it mean I was not happy with how the footage on the eye was? Nope. I filmed a beautiful woman in gorgeous light and for me it achieved what I set out to do. Capture Kate's loveliness in a dreamy, intimate film portrait.

It's a shame I have to make excuses/ defend but I know it's not to everyone's taste. You can see that from the comments on Vimeo. Some love it, some find it distracting. The irony is I am very classical in my shooting style and for me a tripod is my best friend. Clearly a tripod A: Would not have been allowed and B: Was the wrong style for this.


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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 10:43 am

Nice one Philip.

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Bert Smit

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 10:50 am

Wholeheartedly agree with PB and JB. Please don't stop what you are doing because it helps many like me who enjoy reading about and researching new equipment.

It is seriously saddening to see forum discussions deteriorate in personal attacks......

Bert Smit

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 11:35 am

ungovernedreason wrote:
I really just felt this needs to be said...For those who love filming. There is no job beneath them (As should be said for any person of any occupation who works hard to feed there family). We are not all looking for fame and fortune. Some people live, breath and dream, of creating works that people will cherish.
I myself have done a few weddings. I hate doing them due to unrealistic pressure and the such that I am sure we are all aware of.
But the stigma of an individual who films a wedding and edits it, is uncalled for, and we as a filming community should hold these people who make a living doing this in high regard as opposed to the demeaning state of mind that they are issued, even to this date.
In fact I believe it is a more demanding, more specific skill then most vidiographers are willing to deal with , if not all.
When you get hired to do a Hollywood blockbusting movie then by all means be a dick...

Until then, You should have respect for those who take on what you are apparently to afraid to do yourself.

J Norris

I agree with all of this except for the bolded part. Working on big features/projects doesn't give one license to be a *********.


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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 11:41 am

+1 to what John said. Thanks, and welcome Phillip. Hope you're enjoying the camera! :)
**Any post by me prior to Aug 2014 was before i started working for Blackmagic**

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 1:16 pm

Thanks John & Philip for all your hard work with sharing test footage and your own thoughts on the cameras with us. Really appreciated.
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Hans Engstrom

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 1:20 pm

PhilipBloom wrote:
Hans Engstrom wrote:
Christian Schmeer wrote:We're always obsessed about the steadiness of the moving image. I can't think of a single film I've seen at the cinema recently that I would consider to have a "steady image" throughout. The whole idea of shaky footage = not cinematic is a fallacy. Granted, camera shake in high budget cinematic production is mostly on purpose and (hopefully) controlled, it's camera shake nonetheless.

Only one of the features I've assisted during the last year stayed away from handcamera completely and was shot in a more classic way, I like handcamera when it adds something. For me there's a big difference in how a small lightweight camera tends to behave compared to a heavier one. There are theese small shakes in PB video that brings unease to the viever, or to me I should say. The TV series we are shooting now is 90% handcamera and it looks good and is the correct choice for the story being told but for me I didn't feel that the shakes was adding anything in PBs video they where instead distracting.


If you read the info on the video I explain on the London Eye you cannot film without written permission . If I had brought my handheld rig on the eye it would have been taken off me. Now if you look at the later stuff when it is darker that WAS with a rig and you can see the difference. Would I have preferred to use a rig for all of this? Damn right. Does it mean I was not happy with how the footage on the eye was? Nope. I filmed a beautiful woman in gorgeous light and for me it achieved what I set out to do. Capture Kate's loveliness in a dreamy, intimate film portrait.

It's a shame I have to make excuses/ defend but I know it's not to everyone's taste. You can see that from the comments on Vimeo. Some love it, some find it distracting. The irony is I am very classical in my shooting style and for me a tripod is my best friend. Clearly a tripod A: Would not have been allowed and B: Was the wrong style for this.



Sorry if it came out the wrong way as my intentions was just to express an opinion on how the shakes felt to me as a viewer. Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing.

1st AC

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 2:42 pm

Jimmykorea wrote:After reading this I feel like your going to cry...I'm sorry BLOOM I LOVE YOU!! Happy now? Everyone loves you....

This is the kind of garbage that doesn't serve any purpose other than you garnering the attention you so desperately display a need of. Congratulations. You've finally succeeded at something.
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 3:24 pm


Sorry if it came out the wrong way as my intentions was just to express an opinion on how the shakes felt to me as a viewer. Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing.


No, no...I totally understand!
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 3:43 pm

Online you have to guess the tone of voice from the context of the discussion. This is why it all goes pear shaped.

And if you don't think tone is important, try criticising someone in friendly way in private vs shouting and raving at them in front of their friends.

I am all for critics and I don't blame most of them, I blame the system for being a poor facsimile of human interaction. It's the internet that needs improvement, sometimes people's attitudes yes, but mostly the system.
British filmmaker and editor of EOSHD
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John Bartman

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:09 pm

John Bartman wrote:Sometimes the pocket cam footage looks reasonable other times like it came from an iPhone
Dynamic range, well? it´s not shipping with raw
Can´t compare with the image quality of the BMCC, however small it might be
and lots of the original problems still there... no audio level indicator,
battery sucks big time... feels like a rush job to me
Brace yourselves for the 4k (whenever it arrives)

Just to state, I don´t mean Phillips footage, his stuff is great and his reviews are very helpful and appreciated, I just mean that generally (to my eyes) the pocket cam looks a far cry from the BMCC image quality wise, which is not surprising, the camera is something different. However what is a concern is that some of the basic problems (audio levels, battery levels etc.) have still not been addressed on this new release.
Last edited by John Bartman on Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:12 pm

I for one love PBs work and visit his blog frequently to learn and for inspiration. The world would be a worse place without him.
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:20 pm

Andrew Reid wrote:It's the internet that needs improvement, sometimes people's attitudes yes, but mostly the system.

Hm... this is probably never going to happen :). I trawled through this whole mess of posts, attacks, counter attacks, low blows, high fives... been there, red that....

The challenge with any forum that isn't autocratically moderated is that people have different opinions, different styles of expressing their throughts and of course different agendas.

Some want to help, some want to vent, some want to build up and some want to tear down. And of course this changes depending on the day somebody had and on the current situation in life they are in.

I think the fact is, that these kind of things are unavoidable. Statistically speaking, if you take 10 people, there is always going to be a few who are less helpful/contructive/intelligent/liking cheese than average and a few who are more.... This was already true in the stone ages (well, they didn't have cheese then) and will remain so long after we're all dead... it's just the way of things.

The only change the Internet brought about was that everybody has a platform now and can communicate his/her views semi-anonymously...
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:38 pm

PhilipBloom wrote:Hi there

1st post here. I rarely visit forums for the below explained reason.

I really want someone please explain to me why something so innocuous always ends up becoming personal? I have, in my own time I need to add (and it's so far take 6 days pretty solidly) given myself to share my journey with the pocket camera. Both in the review (and there are 2 more parts to come) and footage which I make available for download (and more to come) during this time I have not done any paid work and more importantly which August was supposed to be for me, was to relax, get some much needed down time and catch up on long delayed edits like my recent F55 short "La Tamise"

There is no need for personal judgements and effectively attacks on me as as person. You are entitled to your own opinion on me of course but to take the time to come here and lay into me? Why? You don't know me so why attack me? In fact why attack anyone? Especially one who is only trying to help! We all know what the end result will be if this keep on carrying on...I will simply stop sharing, stop the blog and stop the reviews. The website is not my job. I make films. I shoot I direct in multiple genres. That is how I make a living and one that I have been doing for 25 years and has been quite successful thankfully.

Why must I have directed a big fiction feature to be measured in skills? The statement "what movies has he DP'd"? It's just ridiculous. The fact I choose to not work in fiction features is my choice. It's not what I enjoy. I work in documentaries primarily, corporates and commercials. If you have time and want to watch something that is important and meaningful and more worthwhile that trolling why not watch my BAFTA/ Raindance winning feature documentary "How to start a revolution" or perhaps "Confluence"? Both were shot either partly on DSLRs or fully. These are both on itunes.

When it comes to me being prickly? Try having people attack you, send sh*itty messages, have threads where they pull you apart (this is why I don't visit forums anymore) to you etc etc. PLEASE REMEMBER I AM A HUMAN BEING!!

If I remove comments from videos or do not publish them on my site it's most likely for a number of reasons, I do actively encourage construct criticism and it's in-fact an essential way in which I improve my work. If you are rude I will delete your comment. Whether it's to me or to others. If you make a comment that may not be rude but starts a massive argument with people I will remove it. Just yesterday I did that as someone wrote a simple but strange comment that I thought was a joke but he was serious. It started a massive thread on the page of my video and then people started commenting rudely on that guys videos. I do not want that and I will delete these things to stop this happening and to keep the discussion constructive and adult.

So when you some people say I cannot take criticism. Yes, nobody likes someone to say negatives things about something they really love, but it comes part and parcel with filmmaking but there is a massive difference with being constructive and saying something like "That was really bad I think you should give up and find a new career" I am sorry but I have no desire to have that on my page.

Please remember I give all my advice for free. I do not charge a penny for any of the stuff I put out there. If you don't like me or my work that is fine...but if that is the case why do you still visit my site and read what I write and watch my films and reviews?

I know a lot of it is down to the way things can be read and especially how people act when using a keyboard compared to real life, people act differently, but please don't use me as your punchbag. There is only so much I will take before I will simply say life is too short, because you know what? Like I said before. I am human and no matter how hard you try if affects you and if it affects my life and those around me because of it then it simply is not worth it. I never set out to be in this position. It just happened. I only ever wanted to shoot. So if I just go back to just that then OK! It's still my passion so that's not bad at all! :)

Hopefully this makes sense to people.



P.S. To Jimmy Korea who seems to have the biggest chip on his shoulder. The only review I have done much after the camera came out I can think of is my C100 review. It was called "The Better Late Than Never C100 Review". Again, if you find the fact I try to subside these reviews by promoting products I wholeheartedly endorse and more importantly use, then please do not watch the reviews or read the posts. Correct me if I am wrong Jimmy but I have no recollection of pointing a gun to your head and saying "Watch Jimmy, read Jimmy! If you don't I will decorate your walls with a colour I call hint of troll!!" (that is supposed to be a joke :D )

Are you really suggesting that people who put themselves and work in the public arena should be immune from criticism? Roger Edgbert make a career from from it. Does this mean I can't say the Home alone movies are XXX?

You and John Brawley get a billion times more praise than the average poster, stop bellyaching or stop blogging.
Last edited by Terry Frechette on Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:41 pm

I also appreciate not onlyPB and John's comments, samples and observations, I also found the comments and help everyone on this site has contributed. Helped me to make a equipment choice. Thanks to all, and keep the help forth coming.
Last edited by Denny Smith on Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Denny Smith
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:41 pm

Ignoring the unpleasant person from now on...the other 99% of you may be interested (or not) in that I have made this footage available for download, at no charge of course ;)

It is my edit so it's not the rushes and there are usage stipulations that I request you stick to but it is the full quality ProRes HQ

James Miller has done an accompanying post about how he uses LUTs in Premiere CC with this footage. Enjoy playing with the footage and also see if you can warp stabilize it if you want! :)


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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:42 pm

LPRob wrote:I for one love PBs work and visit his blog frequently to learn and for inspiration. The world would be a worse place without him.

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:43 pm

Jimmykorea wrote:
Are you really suggesting that people who put themselves and work in the public arena should be immune from criticism? Roger Edgbert make a career from from it. Does this mean I can't say the Home alone movies are ****?

You and John Brawley get a billion times more praise than the average poster, stop bellyaching or stop blogging.

Actually the first one was really good. The second was good too.
Paul Del Vecchio - Director/Producer
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:45 pm

PaulDelVecchio wrote:
Jimmykorea wrote:
Are you really suggesting that people who put themselves and work in the public arena should be immune from criticism? Roger Edgbert make a career from from it. Does this mean I can't say the Home alone movies are ****?

You and John Brawley get a billion times more praise than the average poster, stop bellyaching or stop blogging.

Actually the first one was really good. The second was good too.

Damn I miss John Hughes. Think I will go watch Planes, Trains & Automobiles "Those aren't pillows!" :)

Denny Smith

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:46 pm

Phillip, thanks for the demo footage on grading the shots you just provided. As I am new to grading on this level, I will find it very helpful.
Denny Smith
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:48 pm

PaulDelVecchio wrote:
Jimmykorea wrote:
Are you really suggesting that people who put themselves and work in the public arena should be immune from criticism? Roger Edgbert make a career from from it. Does this mean I can't say the Home alone movies are ****?

You and John Brawley get a billion times more praise than the average poster, stop bellyaching or stop blogging.

Actually the first one was really good. The second was good too.

"I'll just get my coat then"

bloom being a Brit with get that..


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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 4:50 pm

PhilipBloom wrote:
PaulDelVecchio wrote:
Jimmykorea wrote:
Are you really suggesting that people who put themselves and work in the public arena should be immune from criticism? Roger Edgbert make a career from from it. Does this mean I can't say the Home alone movies are ****?

You and John Brawley get a billion times more praise than the average poster, stop bellyaching or stop blogging.

Actually the first one was really good. The second was good too.

Damn I miss John Hughes. Think I will go watch Planes, Trains & Automobiles "Those aren't pillows!" :)

Absolutely agree, in my top ten......see I'm not so unpleasant.

paul schefz

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 5:05 pm

PaulDelVecchio wrote:
Jimmykorea wrote:
Are you really suggesting that people who put themselves and work in the public arena should be immune from criticism? Roger Edgbert make a career from from it. Does this mean I can't say the Home alone movies are ****?

You and John Brawley get a billion times more praise than the average poster, stop bellyaching or stop blogging.

Actually the first one was really good. The second was good too.

was actually thinking the same thing....

paul schefz

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 5:14 pm

Andrew Reid wrote:The reason people have troubling discussing the footage and not Philip's character is because he puts his character to the forefront of everything he does online.

his reviews are personal experiences....editorial....
everybody has the right to disagree and i guess even write and blog and comment about how much the disagree....but that does not make it less annoying.....
bloom does not shoot brick walls or color checkers afaik....everything he says is a personal opinion and experience....and it really does not make much sense to argue about that ....take it for what it is worth...add it to the pile (as someone here said, which really sums up how online reviews should be taken) and move on....

i really appreciate pb and jb coming here and sharing their stuff with helps me form an opinion....does not mean i might not have a different experience with the same equipment (as in pb's case...i own a red epic and love it:)
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 5:39 pm

Are you really suggesting that people who put themselves and work in the public arena should be immune from criticism?

Good question. Look at my experience with Hook in this topic:
Karl von Bahnhof
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 5:48 pm

Raadgie wrote:
Are you really suggesting that people who put themselves and work in the public arena should be immune from criticism?

Good question. Look at my experience with Hook in this topic:

I never suggested that. I simply requested politeness and removing the personal attacks. Big difference! I said in my post here I encourage constructive criticsm as it helps me improve. Getting personal? Nah, that doesn't help me improve.
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 5:50 pm

If you have no criticism, mediocrity becomes the new international yardstick.

Vimeo for example is a lovely community, but it's very rare to find a comment that isn't full of adulation for the work, no matter how mediocre it is.

The hipster community has a lot to answer for.

Artists require brutal honesty if they are to improve.
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 6:01 pm

PhilipBloom wrote:
Raadgie wrote:
Are you really suggesting that people who put themselves and work in the public arena should be immune from criticism?

Good question. Look at my experience with Hook in this topic:

I never suggested that. I simply requested politeness and removing the personal attacks. Big difference! I said in my post here I encourage constructive criticsm as it helps me improve. Getting personal? Nah, that doesn't help me improve.

(I miss love smile for Phillip.)

It was Phillip's blog who was source most of information in DLSR world, 2 years ago when i found that I need see world throught viewfinder.
Karl von Bahnhof
Chicken shots production

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 6:14 pm

By becoming a public person, just like an actor or politician, and profiting from one's public persona in either direct or an indirect way, one must be ready for extra scrutiny. It's a cost of doing buseness.
One does tend to manicure one's public perception, by editing or removing comments or removing entire post that one himself has created, based in erroneous information, rather than admitting an error, to pretend that one never said or printed anything stupid. One assumes that Internet has no memory. One looses credibility.
Dmitry Kitsov
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 6:15 pm

It's essential to lay brutal criticism at Blackmagic's door without sugaring it. Love makes the world go round, it doesn't help much when it comes to engineering.

I wonder if John and Philip are prepared to do this, or if they take a softly softly approach to product feedback. Philip's review was glossy, like a product advert. Sorry Phil, that isn't an attack just my opinion. Fact is Blackmagic have had failures in many areas of the camera business to date - production levels, shipping deadlines, lack of important firmware updates and hardware issues (blooming, mount infinity, black holes) - yet the only people who seem to be angry about this are the customers, not the ambassadors. The ambassadors highlight the issues too softly, sometimes are dismissive of them saying they don't matter that much. They do.

Politeness is necessary when building a bond with other people, or a company - but brutally honest critique and plain speaking is what is needed here. I just think some people are more interested in building bonds with companies than in conveying the true scale of a product issue with their critique.

Vimeo's search feature has been basically broken for around 1 year now, because everyone is sugaring their criticism..."Yeah it needs fixing, but hey you're so cool guys, don't worry about it. Bye!"

The reason Apple's stuff 'just works' and the reason they have such a secure operating system with so few bugs is because of Jobs terrorising engineers into affirmative action. Without Jobs the terrorist, Apple felt it OK to put out products like Maps and felt it fine not to improve the camera sensor on the iPhone 5 over the 4S. The result = considerable number of customers leaving the platform.

The Jobs approach to product feedback wasn't a softly softly approach. You need to be tough in engineering.

If customers are giving Blackmagic some tough love, it can only spur them into improving the breed and that's a good thing.

A bit of humility from Blackmagic and their ambassadors wouldn't go amiss either - because there's no point taking your own customers to task for their anger or lack of politeness when they have genuine grievances.
British filmmaker and editor of EOSHD

paul schefz

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 6:37 pm

Andrew Reid wrote:It's essential to lay brutal criticism at Blackmagic's door without sugaring it. Love makes the world go round, it doesn't help much when it comes to engineering.

I wonder if John and Philip are prepared to do this, or if they take a softly softly approach to product feedback. Philip's review was glossy, like a product advert. Sorry Phil, that isn't an attack just my opinion. Fact is Blackmagic have had failures in many areas of the camera business to date - production levels, shipping deadlines, lack of important firmware updates and hardware issues (blooming, mount infinity, black holes) - yet the only people who seem to be angry about this are the customers, not the ambassadors. The ambassadors highlight the issues too softly, sometimes are dismissive of them saying they don't matter that much. They do.

Politeness is necessary when building a bond with other people, or a company - but brutally honest critique and plain speaking is what is needed here. I just think some people are more interested in building bonds with companies than in conveying the true scale of a product issue with their critique.

Vimeo's search feature has been basically broken for around 1 year now, because everyone is sugaring their criticism..."Yeah it needs fixing, but hey you're so cool guys, don't worry about it. Bye!"

The reason Apple's stuff 'just works' and the reason they have such a secure operating system with so few bugs is because of Jobs terrorising engineers into affirmative action. Without Jobs the terrorist, Apple felt it OK to put out products like Maps and felt it fine not to improve the camera sensor on the iPhone 5 over the 4S. The result = considerable number of customers leaving the platform.

The Jobs approach to product feedback wasn't a softly softly approach. You need to be tough in engineering.

If customers are giving Blackmagic some tough love, it can only spur them into improving the breed and that's a good thing.

A bit of humility from Blackmagic and their ambassadors wouldn't go amiss either - because there's no point taking your own customers to task for their anger or lack of politeness when they have genuine grievances.

i am sorry but i as much as i agree with the idea that artists need well founded critique in order to grow, i am not sure i see the point here.....
there is no such thing as a perfect product and in todays world maybe even a finished product....steve jobs would critique mercilessly...his products, behind closed doors....and as revolutionary as the first iphone was and as much as it blew me was (among other flaws) a pretty crappy cellphone....but as a package it was hard to beat.....
the outcry over the built in battery in the BMCC....would it be nice to have swapable battery? yes! plenty of other things to worry about as well....but as a package, for the money, hard to beat....

i don't buy that all reviewers have to be supertough on products....a good review for me mirrors my own experience with products....hmm...this works, this doesn't....i love this and haven't even noticed that THIS doesn't work at all! everybody expects something slightly different from their gear and everybody uses it in different one flaw or missing feature might rule out one product for one person but still make it perfectly awesome for another......
there is no perfect, no perfection, even in engineering....there is no perfect car....there might be a perfect car for me and it might not work at all for you....
and in art? that discussion is completely pointless (or at least this is the wrong place) and i am not sure in which way that has anything to do with a camera review, a camera or how a person reviews cameras or how they react to criticism to their reviews?
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 6:39 pm

Andrew Reid wrote:...yet the only people who seem to be angry about this are the customers, not the ambassadors.

The ambassadors = happy customers. Maybe some are beta testers, but if they weren't happy with the product, they wouldn't use it. That's the way I feel about Autodesk Smoke. It's not for me, therefore I don't use it. If they were to give me a free copy, I still wouldn't use it because I'm not trying to be a Smoke artist.

Andrew Reid wrote:The ambassadors highlight the issues too softly, sometimes are dismissive of them saying they don't matter that much. They do.

They do to you and some other users, but to some of us, they don't. In my own projects, I've never had the issue of not having audio meters. I use an external recorder, therefore for me, it's not a problem. I do understand that it would be useful for people, but you can always get an external monitor with waveform and audio meters. Saying they do is a blanket statement for all of us. I respect your opinion and admit having it in camera would be useful, but it's never been a deal breaker for me. Again, it goes back to my comment about we each have different needs and we should respect each other's needs as far as features go.

The fact of the matter is that this camera does not have them, so it might not be the right tool for certain people if they need them in camera. If I needed 4K, I wouldn't buy this camera.

That being said, would I prefer to have audio meters in camera? Of course, and I think Blackmagic should add them, but at the same time I know the camera doesn't have them and may never have them so I'm willing to find a workaround, just like I did with DSLRs. My 7D doesn't have audio meters.

Andrew Reid wrote:I just think some people are more interested in building bonds with companies than in conveying the true scale of a product issue with their critique. If customers are giving Blackmagic some tough love, it can only spur them into improving the breed and that's a good thing.

I agree we should let them know what we want, but at the same time, the way many people go about it on this board and other places is downright rude. I'm not saying you, but that's been the current climate of this board - hostile. I think that's why "ambassadors" aka happy customers reply, just like I am doing. It's because we love the product and may not think some of the hostile comments are fair, or we offer a counter or different perspective to the hostile comments.

Andrew Reid wrote:A bit of humility from Blackmagic and their ambassadors wouldn't go amiss either - because there's no point taking your own customers to task for their anger or lack of politeness when they have genuine grievances.

True, but, again, when someone says something like, "How could Blackmagic be so stupid and out of touch with the needs of camera operators/DPs that they didn't even include audio meters?!!! ****in' idiots!"

What good is that doing? There was a feature request thread. What happened to that? I guarantee you Blackmagic was reading that.

In the end, yes, we need to let Blackmagic know what we want from them and what we think will make a better product and ultimately increase sales, but the way people have gone about it has been rude, disrespectful, and sometimes outright disgusting.

I suggest we dig up the "feature request" thread and add all feature request comments to that, as EVERY SINGLE thread it seems descends into negativity about features and ultimately personal attacks that are completely unnecessary.
Paul Del Vecchio - Director/Producer
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 6:47 pm

Personal attacks are unnecessary, personal critique however, necessary. Problem is, on the internet criticism = attack. It's best not to bother, and to do it in an email or DM in private. Unfortunately most of the users don't have the opportunity to do this. Their only outlet is a public forum.

If the climate round here is turning hostile, Blackmagic should look at why this is. I suspect I know why it is. As a customer myself, I too am feeling let down and at the end of my faith in the brand.
British filmmaker and editor of EOSHD
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 6:55 pm

Ok Phillip, I have one constructive criticism to help improve you.

Do not bring a banana in your pocket. You run the risk of an accident when your bottom hits the chair!
Karl von Bahnhof
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 7:17 pm

Ok, I'm out, everyone with a BHPhoto preorder just moved up one spot, canceled my preorder; going back to ML/Canon 7D, I have more faith in that setup at this point.
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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 7:53 pm

Briwil wrote:Ok, I'm out, everyone with a BHPhoto preorder just moved up one spot, canceled my preorder; going back to ML/Canon 7D, I have more faith in that setup at this point.

Good luck w Canon! :) Btw. new dual CMOS looks promising.
Karl von Bahnhof
Chicken shots production

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 10:00 pm

As someone on the wait list for the BMPC, this whole 'discussion' is a drag.
I appreciate all the test footage that's out there, including Bloom's, plus constructive criticism. 90% of this thread is personal critique which is completely unnecessary.
Chris Whitten

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Re: Phillip Blooms BMPCC Footage

PostSun Aug 25, 2013 10:04 pm

Could the moderators on this forum please ban the infantile instigator that goes under the name of Jimmy Korea? He was banned at Person View because of his insulting rants and has no business interacting with professionals or hobbyists on any public forum. His entire life's purpose seems to be nothing but stirring up sh#*t and it is nothing but a personal insult for any rational human to have to deal with his comments. Go away Jimmy no one wants to play with you! Phillip Bloom and John Brawley, thanks for all your efforts and there are way more of us who appreciate your contributions than the few mouths that don't.

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