This is why I hate Resolve.

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This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSat Jun 12, 2021 8:44 pm

Let me tell you how I've spent the last 3 hours:

I need to add a title to this piece of footage. Cool. I'll use one of the included pre-baked ones. They're great.

Okay. I have added the word "By" with the Digital Glitch title. Looks great. Now I need to time it properly.

Uh oh! It won't play back smoothly. Dropped frames left and right, and I can't tell what's going on at all.

Let's try it a few more times...Nope.

Let's drop the timeline resolution to half. Nope.

Quarter? Nope.

OKAY. FINE. I didn't transcode my footage from UHD H.264. I guess my WORKSTATION is having a hard time rendering this SINGLE WORD over my footage for that reason. I understand. I'll generate optimized media to lighten the load.

Well, that took a while and ate up a bunch of space on my drive. Great. Let's get back to it.

No change in performance. Playback still hitches and stutters and I have no idea what's going on.

Is it using the optimized media I just generated? "Use Optimized Media" is checked under playback, but how do you tell?

Is it in the "File" attribute metadata? No. Is there a new bin item? No. Can I right-click the clip and tell? No. Is there an indicator on the clip in the timeline? Not that I can see.

Time to Google, I guess.

Hah. This person is confusing Proxy Media with Timeline Proxy Mode.

So, is this person.

And this one. Jesus.

Okay, this rando says you can simply add a column within the bin's "list view" that says "Optimized Media." That makes sense. Why didn't I think of that?

...wait...where is it? Did I glance over it? I'll look again. No. Again? No. Okay, very slowly this time...still no. They took it out!? But why!?

Maybe if I add the "Proxy" column, Optimized Media will be a subheading displayed there? No.

Ohhh. You know what, I bet this was posted prior to Resolve adding the "proxy" function. Things are different now. I'd better look elsewhere.

Okay. This person says you can create a smart bin for Optimized Media. Let's do that.

Alright. Add new Smart Bin...let's title it: Optimized Media... Great. Now...hmm...where is it?

Media Pool Properties? No. Really!? I'd better check again. Still no. Metadata? Ugh look at all this no no. Clip Details? No. Well, maybe codec...but where's Optimized Media!?

Where even is this file on my disk!? Answer: apparently in a filename structure that is incomprehensible. Sick.

Let's RTFM: Wow, 130 mentions of "Optimized Media", huh? That's a lot.

That one wasn't helpful. Nor was that one. Already knew this one. Okay, you know what? Fk this.

Is my rendering cache turned on? Yes, set to User. Have I set the main footage clip render cache to "on"? Yes. What about the Fusion title? Set to "on" also. And I've told Resolve to "render in the background"? Yes, after 5 seconds.


Back to trolling for information. What you got, YouTube?


Optimized media must have the SAME CONTAINER as the original footage to work!? IS THAT TRUE!? THAT CANNOT BE TRUE. WHY WOULD THAT BE TRUE!? So, you're telling me that if have Resolve transcode this MP4 footage into some codec with a .MOV container, it's just going to throw up its hands and say, "I dunno man, I'm lost!" That absolutely cannot be true. I've never heard anyone else say that, and I've never come across that in the manual! There just no way! And there's no warning from the software telling the user they've made some kind of critical mistake? I just don't buy it.

Let's try it out. Back in settings/Optimized Media and Render Cache, AND I only have 3 codec options!? DNxHx, Cineform, and "uncompressed". So, really there's just two!? No, but...look...

File/Media Management/Video...yeah - look! Cineon, MXF, Quicktime. MPEG, H.264, Cineform. What the actual f***...

GOOD GOD. SCREW THIS. Screw all of this. Is it still dropping frames while rendering this SINGLE WORD over my footage? Yes. Completely unusable.

FINE. PROXIES IT IS. YOU GOT IT. Let's check the settings first.

Resolve is going to choose the resolution automatically, we're gonna shoot for DNxHR - fine, whatever it doesn't matter. Generating proxies is gonna take about 15 more minutes. :roll:

Okay. That's done. Kind of hilarious that Resolve has decided my expensive workstation should default to working with 960x540 proxies...but, okay. At least I can get back to work.


Am I using proxies!? Very clearly yes; the footage looks beat to sht.




Wait, proxies off, optimized media off, 1/4 resolution. Flawless scrubbing - INCLUDING problematic title. :shock:

:cry: Optimized media still off. Proxies still off. FULL RESOLUTION. Flawless scrubbing - INCLUDING problematic title. Timeline still red indicating nothing has been rendered. :o

Cringes...presses play at full resolution, UDH H.264. Footage plays back flawlessly. Yes, that's including the Fusion title that's caused so many problems for the last two hours.

I'm taking the time to convey this story for a very specific reason. I'm not interested in whatever smarmy jerk wants to get on here and tell me how stupid I am for missing X-Y-and-Z. I'm not interested in learning to better understand whatever obtuse feature or setting led to this behavior. I'm not really interested in anyone's "help" right now, and I'm not asking for it. Don't even respond, because I'm not going to read it.

What I am here to do is to tell Blackmagic here in their public forum that this is a horrendous, incomprehensible user experience. It should be fairly obvious that I have demonstrated at least a workable knowledge of how to get around Resolve. I've been using it for years and while I'm by no means an expert, I use it regularly and rely on it for at least some part of my supplemental income. I'm not here to complain about some petty aesthetic change - or the fact that you enter the Fusion tab at your own risk because IT WILL CRASH ON YOU AT ANY MOMENT FOR ANY REASON WITH 100% CERTAINTY.

I'm here to complain about the show-stopping backend failures that leave the user holding the bag: Playback inconsistencies, inconsistent menu items, black frames that destroy renders, clips that chug for no reason, poor communication with the user, Fusion clips that worked fine yesterday but refuse to render under any circumstances at all today, functionality changes so poorly named that they create massive confusion among the userbase (Optimized Media used to basically be proxies...then a real Proxy option was implemented but the Optimized Media option was kept only with some of UI options changed...but don't get "Proxies" confused with "Timeline Proxy mode"...which seems to have almost nothing to do with "proxies" AT ALL and should probably be called something less obtuse like "Playback Resolution"...), features that are sloppily implemented (Whoopsies! Titles don't display the correct luma in Davinci Wide Gamut! ...and still don't).

It remains the case that you can have years of experience in the software, at least a workable understanding of the feature changes across at least the last two or 3 versions, and a functional knowledge of how the playback engine is supposed to work and how to use its features - yet you can still piss away 3 hours just trying to get smooth playback.

Personally, I think I'm going back to Adobe. I want my time back. This sht sucks.
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 1:33 am

feel better?
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Marc Wielage

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 2:53 am

JazzMac251 wrote:Let me tell you how I've spent the last 3 hours: Uh oh! It won't play back smoothly. Dropped frames left and right, and I can't tell what's going on at all.

What's your hardware? I find 90% of these issues boil down to "the hardware is not quite powerful enough to handle what Resolve needs to get the job rendered."

Figuring out the right workflow is a critical issue for many post situations, and the moment I'm confronted with H.264 or any other highly-compressed format, we usually offload it to another system, make ProRes 422 proxies, then deal with the ProRes on the actual Resolve system. It adds an hour or 2 for the proxies, but once that's done I'm working at speed (or faster) on our Resolve system.

Don't assume that because your system works well with "Edit Software A" or "Edit Software B," it's also going to work well with Resolve. Resolve is much more demanding, particularly if you throw Long-GOP-compressed files at it, or high-res Raw, or very complex graphics. 90% of what I've learned in post-production over the last 40 years boils down to workarounds that help me get the job done. Skills like this have kept me employed for a long time.
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 6:43 am

Marc Wielage wrote:
JazzMac251 wrote:Let me tell you how I've spent the last 3 hours: Uh oh! It won't play back smoothly. Dropped frames left and right, and I can't tell what's going on at all.

What's your hardware? I find 90% of these issues boil down to "the hardware is not quite powerful enough to handle what Resolve needs to get the job rendered."

Figuring out the right workflow is a critical issue for many post situations, and the moment I'm confronted with H.264 or any other highly-compressed format, we usually offload it to another system, make ProRes 422 proxies, then deal with the ProRes on the actual Resolve system. It adds an hour or 2 for the proxies, but once that's done I'm working at speed (or faster) on our Resolve system.

Don't assume that because your system works well with "Edit Software A" or "Edit Software B," it's also going to work well with Resolve. Resolve is much more demanding, particularly if you through Long-GOP-compressed files at it, or high-res Raw, or very complex graphics. 90% of what I've learned in post-production over the last 40 years boils down to workarounds that help me get the job done. Skills like this have kept me employed for a long time.

i7 8700k, 6 cores/12 threads at 5GHz
32GB GDDR 4 RAM @ 3200MHz
Nvidia RTX 2070 SUPER
Resolve 17.1 is on an NVME SSD that can pull 3GB/2GB R/W
Footage is on a dedicated pair of SSDs in RAID0
Resolve itself has a pair of SSDs in RAID0 just to use for its scratch disk

I know in terms of video editing workstations, this isn't top of the pack. But it's enough - and it's certainly enough to render the word "by" over a qHD proxy, with or without glitch animations. I'll tell you that much for free.

It's not hardware. It's just Resolve being incomprehensible. Something was going on under the hood that led it to decide it would - under absolutely no circumstances - mark this section of my project for rendering, nor would it store any of the frames it haphazardly served to me during playback. It does this all the time, and I'm absolutely sick of it.

Also, while I'm at it, I'm convinced that not being able to move audio inserts in Fairlight is some kind of sick joke. Audio engineering is my main gig, and I can't really put into words how stupid this is. It's kind of incredible because Fairlight is actually otherwise VERY well thought out and a pretty decent little DAW all by itself.

Anyway, I just reopened my project to see a colorspace transform node has malfunctioned, my subject is now covered in red blotches, and my scopes won't stop opening off-screen. Guess that means it's time to go to bed.

Hendrik Proosa

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 6:54 am

Sounds like the issue with Text+ which for some people or in some unknown occasions renders slow as hell. And has no direct connection to general power of workstation.
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Tasio Liberakis

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 7:28 am

A clean install of the latest studio driver for the GPU solved some of the inexplicable problems I had. On 17.2.1 build 12.
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 9:26 am

Coming in to forum and setting off a fuming rant is obviously the best way to get help. The more anger you display the more people will be willing to help you.
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Uli Plank

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 11:14 am

No. They’ll recommend Premiere Pro or whatever and say goodbye.
Now that the cat #19 is out of the bag, test it as much as you can and use the subforum.

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 12:33 pm

JazzMac251 wrote:my scopes won't stop opening off-screen.

Maybe workspace -> reset layout?

Your other problems probably require more investigation from capable people. The early 17 version's had horrible performance especially with h264 material, but with the last couple of releases it got better again.


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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 2:43 pm

Hendrik Proosa wrote:Sounds like the issue with Text+ which for some people or in some unknown occasions renders slow as hell. And has no direct connection to general power of workstation.

That sounds like a reasonable explanation.

Tasio Liberakis wrote:A clean install of the latest studio driver for the GPU solved some of the inexplicable problems I had. On 17.2.1 build 12.

I think I'm on the latest, but I might try clean installing the latest driver. Thanks.

shadewind wrote:Coming in to forum and setting off a fuming rant is obviously the best way to get help. The more anger you display the more people will be willing to help you.

I actually SPECIFICALLY said in the OP I was not coming here for help, and I asked people not to comment.

Noerde wrote:
JazzMac251 wrote:my scopes won't stop opening off-screen.

Maybe workspace -> reset layout?

Your other problems probably require more investigation from capable people. The early 17 version's had horrible performance especially with h264 material, but with the last couple of releases it got better again.

Yeah. The problem with that is that I have to set up my entire UI layout again and that's very time-consuming. I sometimes use my iPad Pro as an external monitor to check color accuracy, and that acts as a 3rd screen. This messes with Resolve's idea of what my Desktop space looks like (for some reason). If I plug it back in, sometimes I can get the scopes back.


I need to just save a UI workspace layout, but I just don't think about it until after this cockup happens. I'm going to save myself the hassle and just do it right now. :roll:

Mattias Murhagen

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 3:34 pm

JazzMac251 wrote:I actually SPECIFICALLY said in the OP I was not coming here for help, and I asked people not to comment.

Understood. Seems reasonable.

Andrew Kolakowski

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 3:52 pm

It's most likely text layer as it has been reported many times that it causes massive render issues.
Remove text layer and try rendering then.
Your CPU is heavily overclocked and this can also be an issue if your render pushes CPU to constant near 100% load. Other than this it may be drivers related- motherboard and GPU.


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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 3:58 pm

JazzMac251 wrote:
shadewind wrote:Coming in to forum and setting off a fuming rant is obviously the best way to get help. The more anger you display the more people will be willing to help you.

I actually SPECIFICALLY said in the OP I was not coming here for help, and I asked people not to comment.

That makes even less sense.


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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 9:28 pm

shadewind wrote:
JazzMac251 wrote:
shadewind wrote:Coming in to forum and setting off a fuming rant is obviously the best way to get help. The more anger you display the more people will be willing to help you.

I actually SPECIFICALLY said in the OP I was not coming here for help, and I asked people not to comment.

That makes even less sense.

I think I get it. Once in a while I go to the customer service people of some company and explain some problem I have noticed with their service. Response ranges between "I can't do anything to help you" to "have a money-off voucher".

Both responses miss the point. I want to help you to improve, because it does both of us some good. As a regular user of your service I have some insight that you may find useful and I'm offering it for free.

That's what OP is attempting, I think. I'm a long way from being able to tell if my problem of the day with Resolve is my own lack of knowledge or a bug, but I can say that in general with software, being able to build up a mental model of what is going on is important. If software is doing stuff seemingly at random, this becomes hard. (I work on consumer electronics products and notice that people turn-it-off-and-turn-it-on-again when they don't need to because folk wisdom builds up around things when people can not figure out what they are doing).

The hope, then, is that Resolve is possible to understand well enough to eventually be able to tell what is a bug, what is user error, and what is insufficiently-powerful hardware, without guessing.
Windows 10 Pro 20H2 19042.1052; Resolve 17.2.2; NVidia 471.11; RTX3090; Ryzen 9 5900X; ASUS ROG STRIX X470-F; 32GB RAM; LG 27GL850; LG OLED55E6


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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSun Jun 13, 2021 10:17 pm

I really like what Resolve is trying to be, but I do understand your frustration. It can be wildly inconsistent even between point updates. That said, when you look at its development over the past 10 years since BMD acquired it, you have to give them credit for pushing the envelope. As perspective, it is not that long ago that you had to pay $200 000 just to use its colour grading features:)
Davinci Resolve 18.5.1, Intel i9, 64gb RAM, Windows 11, Nvidia 3090 24gb, RME Fireface UFX, Speed Editor.

George Deierling

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostMon Jun 14, 2021 3:19 am

fusion fx are not real time, they need caching. fusion is not designed for real time, its for heavy lifting.
cache doesn't play back real time in 4k?
Pick a cache format that plays, in project preferences.
Or set project setting to HD and only use 4k when needed, you can switch resolutions as needed.

does this help? or did it just wade into mud...

Peter Chamberlain

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostMon Jun 14, 2021 5:00 am

Andrew Kolakowski wrote:It's most likely text layer as it has been reported many times that it causes massive render issues.
Remove text layer and try rendering then.
Your CPU is heavily overclocked and this can also be an issue if your render pushes CPU to constant near 100% load. Other than this it may be drivers related- motherboard and GPU.

Andrew is correct re Over clocking, it is a very good place to start. Try that off and a clean install, not update, of GPU driver
DaVinci Resolve Product Manager

Hendrik Proosa

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostMon Jun 14, 2021 6:02 am

George Deierling wrote:fusion fx are not real time, they need caching. fusion is not designed for real time, its for heavy lifting.

Tell me more about the heavy lifting needed to rasterize a layer of text with ten characters.

Everyone knows that comp usually isn’t realtime but it isn’t a point with Text+. A title is not heavy comp by any definition, titles have been rendering in realtime for decades.
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George Deierling

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostTue Jun 15, 2021 8:40 pm

text+ is a fusion fx that has been adopted on the timeline. It goes through the fusion engine. It is not real time because of the fusion architecture.
simple text is real time.

does Premiere have a text tool with bells and whistles? Just curious, I haven't used if for years..
after fx likewise would not be real time.

Andrew Kolakowski

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostTue Jun 15, 2021 9:38 pm

Why Fusion architecture is not realtime? First time I hear that something is specifically designed to be not realtime :shock:
I thought any compositing/NLE app tries to be realtime. Complex things won't be for sure, but rest is down to good code behind and machine power.

Premiere has complex text effect and it's rather realtime. Even AE will be in realtime (may require faster machine).

It's clearly Resolve issues- no idea why people try hard proving it's some general FX world problem of simple text layer been crazy slow :D
There are many apps which do complex text in realtime without any problem.
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Uli Plank

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 12:59 am

I second this. Text should be RT, even with some simple FX. A decent machine could handle that years ago.

The remarks about Fusion are missing the point: while any compositing software is optimized for complex FX, that's no excuse for not being able to handle simple ones in RT. If needed, it could fall back to lower resolution (as AE does).
Now that the cat #19 is out of the bag, test it as much as you can and use the subforum.

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George Deierling

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 1:41 am

this is what I believe happened and correct me if I'm wrong:
Resolve needed a text generator, beyond the simple one.
fusion text+ was available and relatively easy to integrate on the timeline.
and given what resolve costs and what it does do well that seems reasonable, at least to me.
but the more you give the more they want.
so we are waiting for a dedicated and absolutely phantastic text tool - maybe a 3rd party OFX?

that just reminds me that a lot of available OFX plugins cost more than the entire program.
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 2:54 am

1) how do you connect the iPad pro to your window box to "at a third monitor"?
2) does it involve clear feed?
3) di you go from 3 monitor 2 two all the time?
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 4:18 am

Uli Plank wrote:No. They’ll recommend Premiere Pro or whatever and say goodbye.

Honestly, a good recommendation in some cases.

16 Cores and a good GPU, and I still have to literally stop using the application just so it render cache can play a fair simple title in real time.

Honestly, it's cheaper for me to just pay Adobe than use Resolve Studio. The amount of time I save completely overruns the cost of their subscription.

I'm not sure why they even bothered releasing Resolve 17 without proper background rendering. It's 2021. Hasn't it been long enough?
Last edited by Trensharo on Wed Jun 16, 2021 4:22 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 4:21 am

George Deierling wrote:this is what I believe happened and correct me if I'm wrong:
Resolve needed a text generator, beyond the simple one.
fusion text+ was available and relatively easy to integrate on the timeline.
and given what resolve costs and what it does do well that seems reasonable, at least to me.
but the more you give the more they want.
so we are waiting for a dedicated and absolutely phantastic text tool - maybe a 3rd party OFX?

that just reminds me that a lot of available OFX plugins cost more than the entire program.

OpenFX tend to perform awfully in Resolve Studio, at least in my experience. Unless the develop optimized specifically for Resolve, it will likely perform as bad or worse than Fusion Text+.

Hendrik Proosa

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 7:50 am

Trensharo wrote:The amount of time I save completely overruns the cost of their subscription.

This should apply to any tool. I'm amazed by how often this is overlooked, people are out of their minds with "saving" some amount of dollars per year while happliy blowing that sum up every month or even week in hours spent futzing.

Trensharo wrote:OpenFX tend to perform awfully in Resolve Studio, at least in my experience. Unless the develop optimized specifically for Resolve, it will likely perform as bad or worse than Fusion Text+.

This is somewhat inevitable because plugin access goes through additional layer and can't be so tightly integrated as native tools. But most of the slowdown often comes from not having a proper gpu implementation in ofx plugin itself. Some things are not easy to port to gpu though and some simply not cost effective. One of the problems with ofx is that while it is supposedly a standard, its host implementations vary, which is exactly this "optimized for Resolve" part.

Andrew Kolakowski wrote:Why Fusion architecture is not realtime? First time I hear that something is specifically designed to be not realtime :shock:
I thought any compositing/NLE app tries to be realtime. Complex things won't be for sure, but rest is down to good code behind and machine power.

Premiere has complex text effect and it's rather realtime. Even AE will be in realtime (may require faster machine).

It's clearly Resolve issues- no idea why people try hard proving it's some general FX world problem of simple text layer been crazy slow :D
There are many apps which do complex text in realtime without any problem.

All of this makes no sense to me either. It's as if image processing is going backwards, decade ago rendering text in realtime was expectation, now with way more powerful workstations it somehow becomes a very difficult non-realtime affair, made sound like borderline "Hollywood level" comp.
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Robert Niessner

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 9:20 am

George Deierling wrote:does Premiere have a text tool with bells and whistles? Just curious, I haven't used if for years..
after fx likewise would not be real time.

Well, funny thing is when Adobe expanded Premiere Pro to be able to import AE projects, it was possible to playback quite complex Animations in realtime within PPro CC2014 (while not possible in AE). With CC2015 they started to change the underlying engine and then it took many, many years to get this improved again.

I used that in CC2014 for inserts and lower thirds all the time. Create the template + animation in AE, make the text edible and then adapt the text in PPro.
Then Adobe killed this feature and it took them 5 years for a replacement.
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Robert Niessner
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Andrew Kolakowski

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 8:51 pm

Current Premiere Graphics feature (which powers text) is rathe every complex when it comes to any typical text needs.
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 10:12 pm

A lot of complaints about performance here are the result of insufficient hardware resources, as stated above, but Text+ is just miserably slow, period.
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 10:53 pm

I was curious about everyone talking about how painfully slow text+ is. I put some text effects over a video clip and it played in realtime for me immediately. I don't have some monster machine, I'm just a hobbyist on a cheap desktop.

I absolutely understand that things in resolve are simply inconsistent though. I've had entire layers randomly disappear from nested timelines. I've experienced random frames getting a red hue when I have only applied a transform effect to them in fusion. I've had clips appear offline, then I restart resolve and suddenly they are back again. I completely agree with OP's sentiment. A user shouldn't have to jump through hoops trying to get something to work the way its supposed to. I understand that resolve is a complex piece of software. But maybe they should just do a release that focuses on fixing issues and making the thing more stable and faster.


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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostWed Jun 16, 2021 11:07 pm

Add a motion blur to a 12 second text overlay and spend the next 5 minutes unable to use your machine. And I do have a monster machine. Add this same effect over multiple text overlays and make an edit change that moves things on the timeline and you might as well come back in 30 minutes. And hope you don't have a client in the room.
2019 MacPro OS 12.1, 3.2GHz 16 Core, 160GB Mem, 4TB Drive, 8TB Internal Sonnet Raid, Dual Radeon Pro W5700X 16GB
LG UF 5k, 27" Tbolt Display, 55" LG C8
Resolve Edit Keyboard, Mini Panel, US 4K Mini
Resolve Studio Ver. 17.4.3
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 12:52 am

I long ago learned to do my Fusion stuff in Fusion Studio with a VFX connect. Often the results are much better and, once the compositing is done, faster on the timeline.

Just because a feature is there does not mean it is best to use it when alternative strategies also provided by the software may achieve the same result more effectively.

I suspect that you could also turn the affected part of your timeline into a compound clip and then it wouldn't have to render again when playing -- or maybe I've got that wrong because I *do not* use the Fusion page in Resolve, I use Fusion stand-alone.
Resolve 18.1 Studio, Fusion 9 Studio
CPU: i7 8700, OS: Windows 10 32GB RAM, GPU: RTX3060
I'm refugee from Sony Vegas slicing video for my YouTube channels.
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 1:26 am

Same here. Fusion standalone is much more stable if you have enough RAM.
Now that the cat #19 is out of the bag, test it as much as you can and use the subforum.

Studio 18.6.6, MacOS 13.6.7, 2017 iMac, 32 GB, Radeon Pro 580
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Sonoma 14.5 with 19b3 (sandbox)
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 2:20 am

Jack Fairley wrote:A lot of complaints about performance here are the result of insufficient hardware resources, as stated above, but Text+ is just miserably slow, period.

It is slow, but it's usable if you create a compound clip or use Render in Place. I agree that it'd be nice if BMD emphasized the need for high performance for features like this. It's not going to work well on (say) a laptop or something.

BTW, I just finished working on my 2020 taxes, and my accountant reminded me why we love Resolve: we made a lot of money with it last year. So bear that in mind: it is possible to use Resolve in a way that creates decent billable work and make clients happy.
Certified DaVinci Resolve Color Trainer •

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 4:00 am

Here is something that can help with fusion exspecially with more complex stuff: add a saver and render out exrs (there is a menu item "render all savers") then drop the exr clip on top of the fusion fx clip as a prerender.
the built in caching has never worked for me...

Hendrik Proosa

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 7:18 am

I’m getting a feeling vfx houses get more jobs in the future, doing… text. Makes me wonder which effect that has been realtime for ages is turning into nonrealtime hard work next, maybe dissolves?
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 10:47 am

It all will be down to fact that Resolve is a massive patch and stitch over some old engines.
If all would be done from scratch you would not have such a problems.


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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 11:21 am

Hendrik Proosa wrote:
Trensharo wrote:OpenFX tend to perform awfully in Resolve Studio, at least in my experience. Unless the develop optimized specifically for Resolve, it will likely perform as bad or worse than Fusion Text+.

This is somewhat inevitable because plugin access goes through additional layer and can't be so tightly integrated as native tools. But most of the slowdown often comes from not having a proper gpu implementation in ofx plugin itself. Some things are not easy to port to gpu though and some simply not cost effective. One of the problems with ofx is that while it is supposedly a standard, its host implementations vary, which is exactly this "optimized for Resolve" part.

That may or may not be correct. All I know is that if I use the same OpenFX Plug-in in VEGAS or Edius Pro, it's Real-Time. The Premiere Pro Plug-in is Real-Time. But in Resolve, it's like 2-10 FPS, depending on the plug-in. Seems to work pretty well for everyone else, so I cannot really fault developers for this....

This is not a GPU issue, at least not on my machines. I built a whole new desktop and bought a new laptop because "your computer is too weak" responses became so annoying that I decided to just nip it at the bud, instead - even if I had to invest to do so... I've removed them from the equation as a bottleneck (and even if they aren't optimal, they certainly aren't so weak that they've bottleneck that hard).

Keep in mind that even Puget benchmarks use few OpenFX in Resolve due to performance degradation on their beefy test machines, and you basically have to start adding GPUs to get more processing headroom. 3 OpenFX is not going to cause VEGAS or Edius to slow to a crawl. This just never happens, unless it's something really computationally intense (comparatively speaking), like real-time Noise Reduction for example.

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 12:07 pm

This is the implementation part. If exact same plugin runs order of magnitude faster somewhere else, there isn't much to say. There is one more possible internal difference though and it is the bit depth of buffers plugin operates on. For example when running the cpu version and diverging based on requested buffer depth, doing math with chars vs full ints or floats can have good speedups with tradeoffs in quality. On gpu it is somewhat questionable these days with very powerful float ops hardware.
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 12:44 pm

A number of third party plugins are CPU only and Resolve isn't that great on the CPU multi threading side... But then again, you are also dealing with 32 bit floating precision...
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 17, 2021 4:25 pm

Resolve has no control over ofx multithreading afaik, because it usually does full buffer requests. Not 100% sure, must look it up, but pretty sure. All threading must be done inside plugin itself. Fusion has two general internal access/processing patterns as far as I know, tile based and full planar, but whether tile based is used with ofx I don’t know.
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 24, 2021 7:03 pm

JazzMac251 wrote:Anyway, I just reopened my project to see a colorspace transform node has malfunctioned, my subject is now covered in red blotches, and my scopes won't stop opening off-screen. Guess that means it's time to go to bed.

i feel your pain, even though I'm not a resolve/Fusion user, just trying to find the name of its plugin API so I can author effects (OFX plugin) brought me here. ******* software bugs can be so frustrating, especially when you put serious time you could be doing work for income/good into troubleshooting them to no avail.

seeing as this is not a request for help and more of a feels post, if it's any consolation, Adobe CC Apps are constantly losing certain floating palettes off screen and toggling them in the menu doesn't bring them back. I'm not sure if the macOS Spaces and others GUI frameworks are partly to blame, but given that Adobe uses C++ or JS to do their cross platform UI coding, I somehow doubt it. anyhow Adobe apps are getting worse, seems like BMD's reputation for releasing betas as production software/hardware is more becoming a thing of the past.

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostThu Jun 24, 2021 7:14 pm

waltervolpatto wrote:1) how do you connect the iPad pro to your window box to "at a third monitor"?
2) does it involve clear feed?
3) di you go from 3 monitor 2 two all the time?

unplugging even normal HDMI/DisplayPort displays from a Mac can cause all sorts of application window f-ups. even when you pull a monitor and everything has to get redrawn on the remaining monitors and then plug the unplugged one back in again, there's no guaranty in any app that windows will go back to where you had them. Very common for 50% of the window to be "off-screen" which is an issue when the title bar is almost always in that 50% that is off-screen.

Not sure if OP is using mac/windows or PC…
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSat Jun 26, 2021 12:49 am

Alastair Leith wrote:
waltervolpatto wrote:1) how do you connect the iPad pro to your window box to "at a third monitor"?
2) does it involve clear feed?
3) di you go from 3 monitor 2 two all the time?

unplugging even normal HDMI/DisplayPort displays from a Mac can cause all sorts of application window f-ups. even when you pull a monitor and everything has to get redrawn on the remaining monitors and then plug the unplugged one back in again, there's no guaranty in any app that windows will go back to where you had them. Very common for 50% of the window to be "off-screen" which is an issue when the title bar is almost always in that 50% that is off-screen.

Not sure if OP is using mac/windows or PC…

I think window
i7 8700k, 6 cores/12 threads at 5GHz
32GB GDDR 4 RAM @ 3200MHz
Nvidia RTX 2070 SUPER
Resolve 17.1 is on an NVME SSD that can pull 3GB/2GB R/W
Footage is on a dedicated pair of SSDs in RAID0
Resolve itself has a pair of SSDs in RAID0 just to use for its scratch disk
W10-19043.1645- Supermicro MB C9X299-PGF - RAM 128GB CPU i9-10980XE 16c 4.3GHz (Oc) Water cooled
Decklink Studio 4K (12.3)
Resolve 18.5.1 / fusion studio 18
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSat Jun 26, 2021 8:10 am

Alastair Leith wrote:
waltervolpatto wrote:1) how do you connect the iPad pro to your window box to "at a third monitor"?
2) does it involve clear feed?
3) di you go from 3 monitor 2 two all the time?

There is software like Duet that lets you use an iPad as a 3rd screen via the USB-Lightning cable (might work better on iPad Pros with USB-C). But it wont render in 10-bit though. I paid for it and experimented but found it too clunky to use.
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Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 3900X, Nvidia RTX 3080FE,32GB RAM, SM951 M.2 AHCI SSD Boot, 512GB WD Blue nvme scratch


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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSat Jun 26, 2021 12:12 pm

Marc Wielage wrote:Don't assume that because your system works well with "Edit Software A" or "Edit Software B," it's also going to work well with Resolve. Resolve is much more demanding, particularly if you through Long-GOP-compressed files at it, or high-res Raw, or very complex graphics. 90% of what I've learned in post-production over the last 40 years boils down to workarounds that help me get the job done. Skills like this have kept me employed for a long time.

The above post is the best response IMO to the OP.

Having backup plans when the main plan fails is the hallmark of a old-school professional. Sometimes these workarounds mean using a totally different software or hardware solution. To want a particular effect that isn't working is a trap and you get stuck instead of recognizing the trap and going around it.

What the OP is doing here is called TRANSFERENCE; you try to relieve your frustration by triggering others with your problem phrased in a way to be a challenge. It creates great threads for reading thou!


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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostSat Feb 18, 2023 5:24 am

Amen, brother.

I have worked on Avid Media Composer for years, and while it's got some issues, it's pretty rock solid and fairly easy to navigate. Now on Resolve 18 (on Mac) for a project and I find that I spend a huge amount of time 1) trying to relink clips that mysteriously went off-line, even though nothing was moved on the source drives, 2) having to search around on the web for how to do the simplest things because it's not intuitive or obvious on Resolve, often to find out it's even not possible, eg, how to match frame on the source side, or how to see the source side timeline (neither possible!) Even mapping my keyboard did not work as I had hoped.

My partner in the project is as frustrated with it as I am and wants me to jump ship back to Media Composer. I'll give it another week or so but I am sorely disappointed in my first and probably last experience in this much hyped app.

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostMon Feb 20, 2023 11:05 pm

You need to give it a time. If stil can't get use to it then go back to Media Composer. No one forced you to switch. Each tool has its good and bad sides. If you believe in hypes then better stop :D
I use Premiere, Resolve and Edius depending what I need to achieve. If you need to pick one then you have to live with its limitations.

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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostMon Feb 20, 2023 11:36 pm

Andrew Kolakowski wrote:You need to give it a time. If stil can't get use to it then go back to Media Composer. No one forced you to switch. Each tool has its good and bad sides. If you believe in hypes then better stop :D
I use Premiere, Resolve and Edius depending what I need to achieve. If you need to pick one then you have to live with its limitations.


Colour grading in Avid after using Resolve for years is an exercise in frustration. It all depends on the user experience. Try FCPX if you think Resolve is hard to understand!
Resolve 19.0 b3 Mac OSX 14.5 Sonoma
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Re: This is why I hate Resolve.

PostTue Feb 21, 2023 2:48 am

A bit like Andrew I use Vegas, EDIUS or Resolve based on what I want to do and files I am working with.
Threadripper 1920, Gigabyte X399 DESIGNARE EX, 32G RAM, Gigabyte 4070Ti 12G, ASUS PB328Q, IP4K, WIN10 Pro 22H2, Speed Editor

Resolve Studio 19, EDIUS 9WG,EDIUS X WG, Vegas 18

Studio Max M1 24 core GPU, 32G, 1T drive. iPad Pro 12.9` M2 16G, 1T

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